Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hedge Fund Operating Cost

Testimony of Alicia on her EVS in Armenia

"My name is Alicia, I twenty-six years. I committed myself for nine months EVS in Armenia in Yerevan, I am supported locally by the host HUJ VOLUNTARY SERVICE OF ARMENIA BRIGATA STUDENT is responsible to accompany me throughout my engagement.

My mission is to take care of children between six and eighteen years in the orphanage Zatik which there are sixty-six. It's a unique experience and very rewarding for me as I discover a new environment, a different culture, different language and new landscapes ... Moreover, I feel useful to the children with whom I share various educational and artistic activities like games, homework help, drawing, dancing, etc. ...

fears I had when I arrived in this country, which was completely unknown, have gradually given way to a real desire to learn and share more with the Armenians and m invest a little more each day with these children in need. This brings me

volunteerism as a professional perspective and personally I come out stronger from this EVS and more aware of the realities of a country like Armenia. "

Alicia voluntary Yerevan

How Do You Build A Zulu Hut?

Evidence of Ahmadou on his EVS in Czech Republic

"I came Czech Republic 5 July at 10am, after a long journey by train from 15h with a passage to Germany. 15h where I was already in the bathroom of my EVS in view of the meetings I had the opportunity to enjoy. My coming here was seen as simple as monitoring the Maison de l'Europe des Yvelines has been extraordinary.

I was greeted by someone I knew from a previous trip to that country. After I relaxed a few hours, I went by car to the place where I live now and where I would spend one year: Nove Mesto Pod Smrkem. It is a village of 4000 where people live and where people are more than sympathetic.

3 days after my arrival, the first great experience in a camp where I was the superstar:)
This first experiment has augured as positive as far each day spent here is that the pleasure.

Within my organization, I teach hip-hop, I coach youth basketball and floorbal, I teach French and English ... Things are put in places with great flexibility. During my free time I go to basketball practice, football, I play tennis and I travel a lot, because I have knowledge everywhere.

A seminar is scheduled arrival to answer any questions and build relationships between volunteers of all countries. Cheers and long live the Czech Republic EVS!

Ahmadou, Nove Mesto Pod voluntary Smrkem.

Synyster Gates Hair Styles

Evidence Aveda on his EVS in Italy

"I'm doing my EVS in Italy near Florence for six months and I work in an environmental organization. We have 4 volunteers to work and live together: one Spaniard, one German, one Turk and me.

Our actions are many and varied: for example we Box work camps in the mountains in which youth from around the world have come for two weeks to rehabilitate hiking trails. We also made agriculture in social work with inmates in gardens. Now we assist in a riding that horse therapy practice ... The days pass very quickly and do not look alike, but we also have plenty of free time (almost a day 2) which allows us to visit the country and have fun or rest. So it's a very rewarding experience both in the multicultural aspect of life in "European Community" by the international environment our activities.

I think the EVS is a great opportunity to travel and live out in another European country. This experience allows you to soak up its culture and folklore. This volunteering is for me a real breath of fresh air since I worked before going to Paris, where the bleak gray sky decorated my daily harmony, punctuated by the subway, office work and pollution.

the wise. "

Aveda voluntary Prato

Friday, August 28, 2009

Gay Cruise Spots Around Los Angeles

Youth meeting in Norway

From 10 to 17 August 2009, the House of Europe in cooperation Yvelines with the Conservatory of Dance Sartrouville took 10 young Yvelinoise in central Skjergardsheimen at Øygarden near Bergen in Norway. There was a meeting of young people around the Hip-Hop, organized by the association Basecamp Diaconal Youth Service, as part of the Action 1.1 of the European Youth in Action.

Forty young Estonian, French, Irish and Norwegians between 13 and 18, accompanied by 8 facilitators found themselves in Norway where they have lived an unforgettable week. They managed to go beyond the language barrier and build great friendships in Europe.

Throughout the week, young people showed perseverance, patience and a lot of enthusiasm to learn the choreography Ole Petter Knarvik - dancer known in Norway for being a semifinalist in the shows "Norway's Got Talent "and" Dansefeber "(equivalent of" Incroyable Talent ") - to present a dance-hip hop" Unique "in the cultural center of Fjell.

Each group also presented a dance based on their preferences: Hip-hop Estonians, contemporary and classical dance for the French, traditional dance for the Irish, etc..

To prepare this show, the youth participated in workshops in the morning and attended dance classes every afternoon. Whatever their level of dancing, everyone was able to get involved in the success of this show. The dance was not the only occupation for young people. They also promoted the show in the region by creating posters, writing an article for the local newspaper, participating in a radio and by distributing flyers in the supermarket Fjell.

The day of the show, over 120 people came to cheer on our young Europeans, proud of having managed to get a good show for an hour a week.

Young people also have been able to enjoy their stay in Norway to sample the local cuisine, enjoy amazing landscapes, visit the beautiful city of Bergen, camping on the island of Langoy, and even fish for mackerel in Norwegian waters!

This trip also allowed them to discover new cultures, new customs, new languages. In fact, each evening, a cultural evening was set. Each group was thus able to present his country by making sample local delicacies, hosting games, showing typical dances, making listening to music etc..

Italion Wrestling Singlets

Youth meeting in Serbia

Six French youths, members of the House of Europe in Yvelines, left this summer sports camp Djerdap in Serbia, near the border Romanian to find 24 young Europeans between 18 and 25 from Poland, Italy, Serbia and Macedonia.

On the road between Belgrade and Djerdap
Along the Danube

The French group

The project "Let's Be Active in Europe", born of the cooperation between Europe House of Yvelines and the Serbian NGO Centre for Non Violent Resistance, was funded by the Action 3.1 Cooperation with countries neighboring the EU "the European Youth in Action program.

The main theme of the meeting focused on Europe, broadly, seen through intercultural dialogue, European citizenship, active participation, European values, but also the sport as a tool to promote cohesion among young people.


The purpose of this exchange was to bring together young people from the European Union and Balkan countries, so they can learn about themselves, explore their cultures, develop their sense of belonging to Europe and make them aware of their role in society. To achieve this, partner organizations have set the following objectives:
  • bring youth from different social and cultural
  • create a space for dialogue
  • foster a sense of shared common values


To achieve these goals, 4 workshops were designed by the supervising team.


During four days, young people were given the opportunity rotating between the modules offered through a rotation system that allowed them to discover a new theme each session and discuss with different people. The workshops aimed at promoting intercultural learning focused on European values and identity, European citizenship and active participation and intercultural dialogue. The animators have used non-formal learning methods, such as role play, debates, simulations, etc..


The afternoons were was spent in sports (swimming, volleyball, badminton, climbing, etc..) that have helped foster cohesion between groups and promote a healthy lifestyle. In the evening, parties were bi-national program. Participants were instructed to present their countries by offering games, animations, music, local gastronomy, etc.. This has enabled young people to discover the particularities of each country and get to know each other in a friendly and relaxing.

Evening "odd"

Finally, this week has been decorated with spare time, output in the region, boat trips and overnight in Belgrade.

Belgrade by night

Through these workshops, these moments of reflection and informal, participants were able to gain confidence, be more tolerant learning to accept differences, explore the meaning of values Europe and their multiple identities and learn more about their ability to be active citizens locally, but also Europe.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ugly Orange Hair Baby

The Pole Jerzy Buzek is the new president of the European Parliament

Tuesday During the first plenary session, the Pole Jerzy Buzek was elected the 13th President of the European Parliament for the next two and half years. He takes over from the German Hans-Gert Pöttering (EPP), which has held this position since January 2007. Opposed to Sweden's Eva-Britt Svensson (Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left), Jerzy Buzek received 555 votes of 644 votes in the first ballot, 86% of the votes of MEPs which met for the first time in plenary meeting since their election in June. This is the first time that figures from Eastern Europe holds that office.
Born July 3, 1940 at Theca Śmiłowice Republic, he studied at the University of Gliwice Technology Silesia in Poland and graduated in chemical engineering in 1963.
In 1980, he joined the Solidarity trade union and a year later he also became president of the National Congress of Solidarity.
Elected in 1997 to the Sejm, the lower house Polish Parliament, the lists of the AWS [The Solidarity Electoral Action (Akcja Wyborcza Solidarnosc pol.) is a gathering of Polish political parties from right conservative from Solidarity (Solidarnosc)], he became Prime Minister of Poland 1999 and brought the country into NATO. It also prepares for accession to the European Union (including decentralization of government and strengthening the role of local authorities).
After the failure in the legislative elections of 2001, when he joined the community arena as an MEP from 2004 to 2009 for Group European People's Party (Christian Democrats). During his tenure, he was a member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the delegation to the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee of European Union-Ukraine. He was elected MEP of the year 2006.
Jerzy Buzek has defined his election as "a tribute to those millions of people who fought for democracy" in Eastern Europe.

Friday, June 26, 2009

How To Clean A White Leather Sofa

Testimony of Margot on her EVS in Barcelona

"I travel a long time and I always wanted to live abroad. Settle, discover a city with its inhabitants and Secrets and especially no more than a tourist.

As part of my studies (communication and web publishing), I've never had occasion to go: too expensive, few opportunities, unparalleled field abroad ...

dint Research the mobility of young people, I came across the concept of EVS: a mission of inclusive development, a support of the European Union, a mix of cultures and volunteers and especially a great opportunity to live a unique experience! After meeting

Manuella Portier and defined my project, I applied to several tasks including one in Barcelona which lasted one year. He was working with the founding that develops websites for NGOs.

The adventure began when I attended the initial training of volunteers in France. For four days, we exchanged and shared our experiences on intercultural relations, the European identity, our fears, our doubts, but also our expectations and motivations regarding the EVS.

I am in Barcelona for one month and time passes at an incredible speed. I started my project I am working with a volunteer in Hungary. The atmosphere is very open and exchanges are simple. Officials of the foundation are listening to our needs and always patient when I can not speak English!

I share an apartment with volunteers Hungarian, Italian and French. The atmosphere is very European. I am constantly cradled between cultures and languages.

I also received training on arrival to familiarize himself with the host country. I was with the volunteers of Catalonia, Principality of Valencia and the Balearic Islands. It was very interesting, I found the same themes in France as well as more specific workshops to the Catalan culture (cuisine, history, cinema). However, the language and the various nationalities overthrew the deal and continued my way to deepen intercultural Europe.

I really found the project that suited me: a pleasant living environment, the feeling of being useful, the ability to speak and learn foreign languages (in my case the Castilian and Catalan ) and especially dynamic that drives our incredible group of volunteers!

I am aware of the uniqueness of the EVS and how lucky I am and why I want to share this experience in sustainable. "

Margot, voluntary Barcelona.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Manipulating Data To Aid Interpretation

URGENT: looking for young EVS in Armenia

If you want a change of scenery and experience a different culture, treat yourself to a European Voluntary Service in Armenia from August 20, 2009 20 February 2010.

experience very rewarding six months in the region of Lori!

Your mission? Promote the European Youth in Action Programme and the European Voluntary Service for young people in the region, conduct during French and / or craft workshops and art, helping to organize European projects in the program Youth in Action, etc..

If you're interested, thank you for the contact Manuella Portier 01 39 52 36 21 as soon as possible!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What To Do For A Swollen Bruised Face

Forum Franco-Germano-Polish Youth in Warsaw

Twenty-five young Parisians between 15 and 19 years, members of the House of Europe and the Yvelines Regional Council of Young, had the opportunity to participate in the Forum Franco-Germano-Polish Youth (formerly the Parliament Franco-Germano-Polish Youth) held this year in Warsaw, Poland from May 4 to 9 On site, the French have found 50 other young Germans and Poles.

The theme of this meeting was " Think youth participation in public life in an innovative manner "and was part of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009.

The objectives of this meeting was to find innovative ideas to encourage young people to participate in public life and promote international cooperation between young people of the three partner regions: Ile-de-France, the Land Brandenburg and Mazovia .

Young participants were invited to divide into four working groups in which they had imagined - with the help of a team of 3 facilitators Polish, French and German - a realistic and feasible at local, national, European or global, to be held more or less simultaneously in their three countries within their school or their community. To help them in their thinking, they also were presented with a comprehensive educational kit. The initiative is at the heart of the pedagogical principles of this project because young people will build their project themselves. Each workshop is composed of an equal number of young people from 3 countries and languages of communication are both French, Polish and German participants have benefited a rich cultural experience. In their workshop, students have spoken, debated, discussed their ideas through brainstorming sessions, role plays, simulations, etc.. These methods of learning and working non-formal youth have lead to concrete proposals they have exposed to a panel of representatives of institutional and political capitals of the three regions during the plenary session of the Senate of the Republic of Poland.

Thus, the group working on youth participation in local dimension proposed to present an exhibition in three parts on how people see their own region. The 9 panels completed (3 per region) would be presented from November 16, 2009 during the International Day of Tolerance in Warsaw, Paris and Potsdam.

The second group has proposed a project of political education to be held in 2010 in schools in France, Germany and Poland. This is welcome experts and politicians to educate young people about the operation and the positions of political parties so that young people can vote with full knowledge of the facts. This draft would then
extends to the entire national territory.

The third group has proposed a race to popularize the European elections and increase voter turnout. This race would be held in Potsdam, Paris and Warsaw June 6, 2009.

Finally, the fourth group proposed "The word is freedom - 24h for freedom of expression." These connect for 24 hours on the importance and fragility of freedom of expression. This project would take place from 25 to 26 September 2009 and would use different communication techniques, such as lectures in schools, fundraising, videoconferencing between the 3 regions, role-playing in the street, posters illustrating the freedom of the press in the world. Apart

workshops, young people also participated in many activities, such as International Night, watching a film about young in Belarus followed by a discussion of a treasure hunt in the heart of Warsaw , a tour of the house of Frederic Chopin in Zelazowa Wola, debate at the European Commission Representation in Warsaw, theatrical performance in a contemporary art center, etc..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Twilight Schrift Maker

Search for meeting participants in Serbia

La Maison de l'Europe des Yvelines research youth to participate in a youth meeting on the theme of European citizenship of 13 to 21 July 2009 at Camp Sports "Djerdap" in Serbia.

The project "Let's Be Active in Europe" will bring together 36 young people from Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, France, Poland and Italy. The themes of this meeting are to raise awareness of Europe and intercultural dialogue.

This project is aimed primarily at young people from a "minority "Cultural or ethnic to give them the opportunity to explore the meaning of Europe's values and their multiple identities. This meeting aims to encourage the active participation of young people to increase their understanding of European citizenship and foster their sense of belonging to Europe. This exchange will bring together participants who are more or less familiar with European issues, and participants who suffer from a significant lack of information on the process of integration of the European Union.
The 36 youth participate in 4 modules designed to promote intercultural dialogue as one of the main values of Europe: European values and identity, intercultural dialogue, European citizenship and active participation. Every afternoon will be devoted to sports activities that promote cohesion between groups and will promote a healthy lifestyle.

Selection criteria:
  • Be between 18 and 25
  • Having foreign roots or be part of an "ethnic minority"
  • Being able to communicate in English
  • Being equipped (e) a passport valid
  • Being available to participate in one or more preparatory meetings before the meeting
  • Being highly motivated (e) and want to discover other cultures!
PS: A detailed description of the project (in English) is available upon request.

If this interests you, contact Manuella Portier at or by e-mail before manuella.portier @ Thursday, June 4

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wife Dares To Undress Before My Friend

Review 1 Youth Committee of European Regions

Sixty-one young German, French, Italian and Polish between 18 and 30 years from eleven partner organizations attended the first Youth Committee of European Regions - born of a project proposal for the 6th session of Parliament Franco-Germano-Polish Youth - held at Marly-le-Roi of 2 to 8 March 2009.

The main objective of this meeting was to improve young people's active participation in democratic life at the regional and international level by making them aware of their citizenship. The themes of this first committee were the functioning of European institutions, the link between Europe and its regions, youth participation and European elections. Through many exchanges e-mail and via Facebook before the meeting, the young were able to meet, share ideas and register for the workshop of their choice - corresponding to the four themes chosen for this first edition of the Committee. Upon their arrival in France, they were divided into four workshops to consider the resolutions, develop projects and create practical tools that will enable them to perform innovative activities when they return to their region to encourage other young people interest in Europe and to vote at the next European Parliament elections.

As it is difficult to understand how European institutions, the first workshop, inter alia, decided to create a telephone service through which citizens could get answers to their questions on European issues and be supported in their efforts. Workshop 2 had the idea to organize a youth exchange in Berlin with workshops around the themes of sport and racism, of human rights in Europe, shares in the street and how to obtain EU subsidies .

The third workshop, and a dozen other participants agreed to conduct a spontaneous "street action" on the forecourt of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. In addition to achieving many visual elements - such as two video clips, interviews two films and a logo, they have also prepared signs, leaflets and sang to attract attention, raise awareness and encourage Parisians and tourists to vote in European elections. And finally the 4th Workshop has produced a short film to motivate young people to participate in elections to the European Parliament.

Experts were invited throughout the week to help young people set up their projects and answer their many questions. Among them, the designer Deborah Wickham came to share his knowledge of strategy and communication tools with the youth of the Committee. Gilles Olivier and Isabelle Dauny of the French Agency of the European Programme Youth in Action have participated in workshops and informal moments shared with young people. Participants also had the opportunity to debate with Alain Barrau, director of the Information Office of the European Parliament for France, and François-Xavier Bellamy, 14th deputy delegate to the Youth and Higher Education for mayor of Versailles.

To break the ice and get to know in the right mood, several games have been organized! Three theme nights have also provided an opportunity for youth to discover and explore their culture, gastronomy, heritage, but also sharing convivial moments, relaxation and celebration. At this meeting, the participants finally had the chance to visit Versailles and Paris, on foot and by boat.

10 to September 12, 2009, a final evaluation meeting will be held in Paris to take stock of actions carried out by young people. It will bring together a young and a representative from each region. He will also discuss the organization and preparation of the 2nd Youth Committee of European Regions in 2010.

PS: This project was co-funded by the European Youth in Action in the framework of Action 1.3 "Youth for Democracy."