Friday, June 5, 2009

What To Do For A Swollen Bruised Face

Forum Franco-Germano-Polish Youth in Warsaw

Twenty-five young Parisians between 15 and 19 years, members of the House of Europe and the Yvelines Regional Council of Young, had the opportunity to participate in the Forum Franco-Germano-Polish Youth (formerly the Parliament Franco-Germano-Polish Youth) held this year in Warsaw, Poland from May 4 to 9 On site, the French have found 50 other young Germans and Poles.

The theme of this meeting was " Think youth participation in public life in an innovative manner "and was part of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009.

The objectives of this meeting was to find innovative ideas to encourage young people to participate in public life and promote international cooperation between young people of the three partner regions: Ile-de-France, the Land Brandenburg and Mazovia .

Young participants were invited to divide into four working groups in which they had imagined - with the help of a team of 3 facilitators Polish, French and German - a realistic and feasible at local, national, European or global, to be held more or less simultaneously in their three countries within their school or their community. To help them in their thinking, they also were presented with a comprehensive educational kit. The initiative is at the heart of the pedagogical principles of this project because young people will build their project themselves. Each workshop is composed of an equal number of young people from 3 countries and languages of communication are both French, Polish and German participants have benefited a rich cultural experience. In their workshop, students have spoken, debated, discussed their ideas through brainstorming sessions, role plays, simulations, etc.. These methods of learning and working non-formal youth have lead to concrete proposals they have exposed to a panel of representatives of institutional and political capitals of the three regions during the plenary session of the Senate of the Republic of Poland.

Thus, the group working on youth participation in local dimension proposed to present an exhibition in three parts on how people see their own region. The 9 panels completed (3 per region) would be presented from November 16, 2009 during the International Day of Tolerance in Warsaw, Paris and Potsdam.

The second group has proposed a project of political education to be held in 2010 in schools in France, Germany and Poland. This is welcome experts and politicians to educate young people about the operation and the positions of political parties so that young people can vote with full knowledge of the facts. This draft would then
extends to the entire national territory.

The third group has proposed a race to popularize the European elections and increase voter turnout. This race would be held in Potsdam, Paris and Warsaw June 6, 2009.

Finally, the fourth group proposed "The word is freedom - 24h for freedom of expression." These connect for 24 hours on the importance and fragility of freedom of expression. This project would take place from 25 to 26 September 2009 and would use different communication techniques, such as lectures in schools, fundraising, videoconferencing between the 3 regions, role-playing in the street, posters illustrating the freedom of the press in the world. Apart

workshops, young people also participated in many activities, such as International Night, watching a film about young in Belarus followed by a discussion of a treasure hunt in the heart of Warsaw , a tour of the house of Frederic Chopin in Zelazowa Wola, debate at the European Commission Representation in Warsaw, theatrical performance in a contemporary art center, etc..


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