Friday, August 28, 2009

Italion Wrestling Singlets

Youth meeting in Serbia

Six French youths, members of the House of Europe in Yvelines, left this summer sports camp Djerdap in Serbia, near the border Romanian to find 24 young Europeans between 18 and 25 from Poland, Italy, Serbia and Macedonia.

On the road between Belgrade and Djerdap
Along the Danube

The French group

The project "Let's Be Active in Europe", born of the cooperation between Europe House of Yvelines and the Serbian NGO Centre for Non Violent Resistance, was funded by the Action 3.1 Cooperation with countries neighboring the EU "the European Youth in Action program.

The main theme of the meeting focused on Europe, broadly, seen through intercultural dialogue, European citizenship, active participation, European values, but also the sport as a tool to promote cohesion among young people.


The purpose of this exchange was to bring together young people from the European Union and Balkan countries, so they can learn about themselves, explore their cultures, develop their sense of belonging to Europe and make them aware of their role in society. To achieve this, partner organizations have set the following objectives:
  • bring youth from different social and cultural
  • create a space for dialogue
  • foster a sense of shared common values


To achieve these goals, 4 workshops were designed by the supervising team.


During four days, young people were given the opportunity rotating between the modules offered through a rotation system that allowed them to discover a new theme each session and discuss with different people. The workshops aimed at promoting intercultural learning focused on European values and identity, European citizenship and active participation and intercultural dialogue. The animators have used non-formal learning methods, such as role play, debates, simulations, etc..


The afternoons were was spent in sports (swimming, volleyball, badminton, climbing, etc..) that have helped foster cohesion between groups and promote a healthy lifestyle. In the evening, parties were bi-national program. Participants were instructed to present their countries by offering games, animations, music, local gastronomy, etc.. This has enabled young people to discover the particularities of each country and get to know each other in a friendly and relaxing.

Evening "odd"

Finally, this week has been decorated with spare time, output in the region, boat trips and overnight in Belgrade.

Belgrade by night

Through these workshops, these moments of reflection and informal, participants were able to gain confidence, be more tolerant learning to accept differences, explore the meaning of values Europe and their multiple identities and learn more about their ability to be active citizens locally, but also Europe.


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