Saturday, January 1, 2011

Machete Pentru Hallowen

2011, of economic democracy? AD Koeune

We can not say that 2010 has been a "mecca" of alternative thinking on socioeconomic issues. That makes sense: at the macro level, the power of our hostage by the collective dominant system was manifested in full. The crisis of sovereign debt in the euro area and the many other impacts of the 2008-2009 banking debacles, have monopolized all the attention and almost all the energy of our policymakers. Public finances, totally dependent on profits from the private sector and also the "ratings" of financial markets, may no longer be able to ensure that soon minimum service. The supervision of young children, health care, research and education may need to be planed to meet the "market requirements" - implied: mismanaged public bodies are reminded to Order by private actors alone can (because of their relatives under) to assess what really matters and report to States and regions to meet priorities. (And yet, God knows if the 2008 crisis has shown that private actors - namely the commercial banks - are not better able to judge for priorities and best ways to allocate the resources ... But for many, passion and financial capitalist is apparently a blind love.)

Numerous appeals to "realism", especially by conventional economists more or less close of banking and financial, have been more heard and listened to that really , jobs and livelihoods of many people are involved each missed capitalism in our countries rich does in the short term, reinforcing the dominance of logic in place. In just caricaturing, one can say that after being rescued armfuls of large public funds in 2008-2009, financial players want to earn money lent to the states the money they had received and which they set themselves on "markets" (with the help of some scrupulous rating agencies), the lending rates. Suddenly, everyone must play the game the maximum recovery of capital around the world - and these are public services and jobs that will pay the price of growth, we are told begins to return ... In such a bleak picture and sadly repetitive, there was not enough to push an agenda of alternative thinking. The past year has not been the year of fight against thought agreed (nor, incidentally, against exclusion and poverty as was announced ...).

Yet we must at the outset of this new year, once again salute the many brave initiatives and growth objectors and other "alternative" which, while being regularly accused of unrealistic by the establishment economic working daily to bring out a new economic and financial environment particularly hostile. We can say that these players - if misnamed "declining" by a population too uninformed - are trying to change the micro level -economic conditions within a macro-economic extremely unfavorable. This is certainly not a situation conducive to great flights or with large outbreaks: what exists and develops remains small, so marginal - hence, the eyes of those who do not want to see anything, negligible and no future. That's very unfortunate misunderstanding that strikes our time: everyone is trying to tinker, but the DIY macro level (the ones in suits and ties that revolve around the polished circles of the "Expertise") believe that the micro level DIYers are missing the mark - when in fact it is they who are fair, despite system that macro-yourselfers try somehow to keep alive and in place.

Is it possible to reconcile the views and exceed the prevailing misunderstanding? I think so. In my paper of 12 February 2010 I spoke of the need for a transition double trigger, in that of December 15, 2010, I advocated coexistence transient (and as well oiled as possible) an unsustainable economy in decline and a plurality of sustainable economies emerging. The major challenge of our time - in any case, if we want that 2011 is not a replica grayish 2010 - will "fly" the decline of the dominant capitalist economy so that the logical alternative to emerge peacefully and calmly.

colmateurs The role of economists of the dominant system is not negligible in this transition: in fact, ensure that the now moribund capitalism goes off smoothly and allows users to make life even in death, to new logic - Ensuring that requires any skill and any knowledge. I urge my fellow economists to create an effective palliative care service at the bedside of the system they have so long wanted to see survive. And you have to know capitalism and weaknesses in order to euthanize the right way! Because let collapse suddenly and painfully is not a solution: the transition will be peaceful and fruitful only if the dominant economy remains healthy enough, long enough so that its path of decline is humanly and socially bearable . On the other hand, want to think at all costs a "new capitalism" that would miraculously freed mechanisms of inequality and injustice inherent in this system would be equally absurd. "Capitalism after" shall not, whatever may be said, a substitute the post-capitalism.

should be able to plan collectively, democratically and especially, the pluralization of the economy and the gradual melting of capitalist activities. To this end, and for this purpose only, I advocate an income transition economy (RTE) as a base of hardcore style "universal allowance. TEN is a tool, not an end in itself. It should disappear gradually as sustainable industries, thus far post-capitalist, taking over the business sectors currently capitalists, therefore unsustainable. Basically, the major challenge of the year come (and decades that follow), it will probably the radical democratization of the economy , thus questioning the fundamental logic that allows capitalism to appear - falsely, in part - "efficient" .

It is hardly surprising that the vast majority of bosses show completely opposed to economic democracy, and corporate democracy in particular. By denying the democratic rights of workers, or at least wanting to mentor them so they remain in the service of maximum profitability, defenders of capitalism clearly show they are in favor of competition Unfair Business undemocratic against democratic businesses. In a situation like today, where democratic values are missing in the functioning of the economy, where market players are punished when they internalize the demands of economic democracy, we find it easy to see that democracy enterprise, "it does not work." In a context where money creation, which is a private monopoly in the hands of the commercial banking sector is entirely exempt from civil society, it was beautiful game to see that democracy money, "it does not work."

hope, despite what we all agreed "realistic" that 2011 is the year of economic democracy, that is to say the end of a capitalist logic, which by its "performance" and even his dubious "creativity", maims too many human potentials and mouth too many cultural backgrounds.


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