Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can I Wear Maxi Dress To Prom

The Dreamlife of books

With books, we enter the imaginary world of dream lives where we meet the characters that we can freely ignore or to love or hate, without any of the normal constraints of everyday life do not hinder us. Everything is possible and nothing is done or not done, what is allowed and what is not, will switch on our way. I can be the happiest of men and you miserable, you and me here besides me, cracked, wrinkled and you a beauty that you do not know how it is insolent and cruel, white me and you yellow or black, all we want about what makes the difference between beings and between them continuously, was abolished by the genius of the books absolutely democratic, inviting us to meetings full of grace and generosity. We can shake hands with Myshkin, and it will be warm, or dancing with Natasha - is not it a bit to me? - Navigate the seas with Ishmael in pursuit of the white whale, riding alongside Fabrizio del Dongo and we salute the Emperor, share the cache of Gavroche in the elephant and dancing on the barricades of the Commune, collecting stamps position with Salomon Rubinstein or chat with the Duchess of Guermantes, launch into the sky with kites effigies of Voltaire and Hugo do with Ambrose tance to the Nazi party wild imagination gives us freedom. And people whose truth, feelings and inner thoughts are beyond us - that terrible loneliness that is our common lot - here they engage us as we accompany the omniscient author, this "monkey of God" mentioned Flaubert, in a wonderful transparency of the world and beings, we never want to take ownership. That's why we love literature.
The world of our days and our nights can be so conventional, narrow and rigid - not always, of course, because there, for sure, we reserve of wonderful surprises - that We must close our eyes to hope to dream, perhaps. How many missed opportunities life is it that we live poetically in the novels that we loved. No wonder that when we go back down to earth, we took the foot in the carpet: what nonsense to believe that this was really possible!


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