Sunday, October 31, 2010

If You Are Delayed For 6 Days Are You Pregnant?

Hello girls and boys!

Yesterday I have lived through the association Cosmo Plus, an unforgettable experience in the sign of friendliness! I attended a photo shoot colorful and curvaceous!

COSMO PLUS is an organization whose main purpose is to promote the image of overweight people who want to reconcile with their appearance. This association highlights all the positive actions related to the well-being, personal fulfillment and self-acceptance.

On this occasion, we dressed in our clothes of light to enhance our beauty. The professional photos are coming soon! But here are some backstage photos under the theme Glam 'Rock and Ethnik Chic.

Halter Dress - Ladyronde
Shoes - New Look
I do not endorse the makeup in this photo glam rock but I'm sure that in the end the result will be on top! Having seen a glimpse of rush, I think it will be great!

Dress - Zenka Influence (spring - summer collection 2010)
sandals - Asos
In this photo, makeup softer but there are too many people on the balcony. I am still thinking how to mitigate the effect the next time. Stay tuned!

Earrings - Jewelry Divina

The pair called Solitaire was a loan but I really think they will be mine next week at the special sale Divina to be held Friday, November 5. Save the date girls!

All information here ...

Thanks to Cosmo Plus for this unforgettable day and for his fight! Yes it's true, we are divine creations!

Fring'hallounnette at your service!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nami Heintail One Piece

Working Girl

ze Hello girls and boys!

Fringhouz the city is like everyone (yes I know but do not be disappointed!). She works to pay his bills!

Here is a working girl holding 100% in my very distant cousin of England, Dorothy Perkins. It is with great pleasure that I present for receiving the package has not been without difficulty. GLS Cheers! L'ironie m'étouffe à cet instant!

As always with DP, I'm mega pleased with the quality and cut of the trousers, black belt comes with a polished nickel. Nothing to say.

For the blouse, I have taken a size up as for all items without spandex in DP is a size 20UK. Simple but with details that make the difference, I like!

Yes bare arms by the time you ask me! Tell that to the madmen of heating in winter are also the same madmen conditionner summer! It is in understanding anything!!

The duo Fringhouz / Gayelita being reconvened, photos stagings cans, newspaper Amina way, are also back for our greatest pleasure (or not)!

Shoes - Aldo Shoes NYC (already presented here )
Fring'hallounnette at your service!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work In A Autoshop

Repérages in small wood ...

Hello Hello,

Finally back after having successfully fought the first and last virus of the season! Yes, I said and it will be so! Na!

So back to present a newcomer to the list of sites to know if, like me, you want to dress fun, colorful and original. For this discovery, I say thank you to Lisa of Modeuses Round! Long live social networks for information flows!

Here is Littlewoods, which has a UK and Europe version of its site. This seems to be fashionable at the moment and it is not displeasing to us! This site offers up to size 20UK items in collections known as standard in the collection and 32UK Size 16 +.

prices are affordable. Of average count 50 to € dress, 100 € for a coat. Shipping is 5 € whatever the amount of the order. So when I like, I agree!

Select Tops
Selection dresses in the collection Size 16 +

Selection of coats

This is only a small selection, there are really many things to discover on this site!

is taken up slowly but I come with the dress, the red heels, pantyhose and all that!

Fring'hallounnette restored at your service!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Denise Milani Look A Likes

The British landing was last Saturday!

Hello girls and boys!

So many things to tell you that I do not know where to start! The weekend was well filled and full of good times!

I had the honor of being invited by the team Ma-large-size at the first meeting between Francophone bloggers round and three UK brands. Our mood has invaded the beautiful Edwardian hotel sewing for a day under the sign of the exchange with a view to improving the supply of marks vis-à-vis the demand, especially ours and therefore yours !!!!! Do not they say, right now, that round took power? "

Then the bloggers Vana, Mary , Fairy Tuxette , Sawsan , ChaCha Lisa Rounds of Modeuses , Letilor , Big Beauty and Laurence Boccolini (yes Blogolini his new blog), we shared with the teams trademark Simply Be , Yours Clothing and Anna Scholz .

I've never ordered from one of these sites. But after that day, I do think such at Simply Be and especially on my favorite site Yours Clothing.

So you tell me why but Fringhouz?! (Yeah I'm starting to know you ...)

Simply Be launches its European web site with an offer a little narrower than the UK site (requires testing phase). I zieuter recent weeks an officer jacket but the price in euros was too high compared to UK prices. We have put this point with ... insistence tell us! To console us, Simply Be available to us a code to a 20% discount on our next order! Enjoy LYUR9 until late November! I'll jump on this wonder of the blow! But there are also lingerie, boots until EEE (extra wide width for plump calves)! The tights are such tops!
Yours Clothing launches its European web site as well. Strongly repelled by the site's design, I never hooked and so I never took the time to explore the site in detail. Misconduct because the articles are very well made and affordable. How do I know? The founder himself has graciously offered 5 articles and I am not at all disappointed by the quality (Photo coming soon). In addition, the staff of Yours is a kindness that really marked. In my basket, among other things, this maxi dress! I was blown away because in fact I find it suits me (yes photo soon promise!).
Anna Scholz is sublime! Luxury materials for luxury collections. As a result, the luxury has a price. Nothing to say, just wait for the Occasion afford a marvel of its collections. A charismatic and passionate woman from a very young age by what she did! Encounter!

Otherwise next day dress for that special day, I called my new handbag Seyna Lou. He is my son beau !!!!!!!
Dress - H & M
Trench - H & M
Pendant - Six
Shoes - Geox (see more below)
And Afro myth that you'll see more and more I think!

Laurence Boccolini & Anna Scholz
Stephanie, Our National Beauty Big
Letilor & Lisa Rounds of Modeuses
Mary's Blog from my Angel
The Teams Yours and My Big Size
Fairy Tuxette, Vana, Sawsan

A great event! The brands have taken note of our comments with interest. Anyway a BIG thank you to my great team size for this great initiative! A long-term task that will, in Surely fruit!

Fring'hallounnette at your service!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grecian Hair And Makeup Styles

Replace the "decay" in its proper place

My remarks published in La Libre Belgique of July 26, 2010, when I suggested "banning public discussion of" the word decay because it "now serves the cause," have shocked some members of COPD (Political Movement Objectors Growth). Through one of their spokesmen, Jean-Baptiste Godinot, they responded in an opinion in the same newspaper on August 7, 2010 . In essence, his argument is as follows (I quote): "The emergency is to put offside the dogma of growth, what help the words that do not allow easily recover. Rather that banned the term 'decay' must be specified: this is the decrease of production and consumption when they exceed the thresholds of sustainability. The path outlined by this necessity has the major advantage of being radically opposed to the high productivity and its capitalist version current show more clearly their failure acute. They hold that as a potential liberator and emancipator extraordinary that it is urgent to grasp: the decrease in consumption and production is an ecological necessity, but also a social opportunity to reduce inequality and dispose of the widespread alienation organized by the globalized economy of today. "

I am in full agreement with these ideas, and that I have defended myself in various forms for quite some time . Others have put forward forcefully before Ivan Illich, Nicolas Georgescu-Roegen, Herman Daly, and much later Serge Latouche. There is no question for me to challenge this line, nor to claim abstracting me pretending to be original. The decline, I am for! nevertheless remains a question, which is partly strategic but also covers a very deep human issues: the level of movement citizens, the word "decline" is really the best slogan to bring these ideas? Is it really the key concept that will motivate voters, workers and consumers do not even talk to entrepreneurs, to initiate a trajectory personal mutation of their philosophy of life and their behavior? What the so-called "declining" (who call themselves rarely so) value in their approach, although their contribution is - impossible to evaluate for themselves, their micro-level - a slowdown rhythms and extended production and consumption, but also and especially their existential experience of fullness, prosperity not based on property and money, finding joy in the heart of sobriety. It is these experiences then, and only those who are contagious and can then, at the "macro" create a momentum of decline of production and consumption.

Speak directly to "decay" as a way of life, then it will only be the result of choices of people's lives one by one is to believe that the "ecological necessity" may alone motivate a person to change jobs, to accept lower incomes in get rid of his car to consume less. The decrease macro which I am not in doubt, as a scientist, the imperative will be expedited if, at the microeconomic level, a multitude of people are rethinking and restructuring their lives. And here, the prefix "de-" is a poor motivator. The irony is that proponents of the decay addressing citizens by revealing the overall goal toward which we must go without the word they use - de-growth - no way of knowing that this overall objective will in everyday life. I know that Jean-Baptiste Godinot and facilitators of COPD have clearly in mind the lifestyle choices that relate to this overall goal, and they themselves often live the joys of a Simple, uncluttered and frugal. But the majority of citizens do not understand this link between the current decay "macro" and "joie de vivre" micro "... Must be taken into account, like it or not.

The sentence which concludes the article by Jean-Baptiste Godinot is also quite revealing of what I say here: "The road named after [meaning: once expressed the need to" macro "of a decrease in the production and consumption], is to make visible, attractive and practical way of living together that is sustainable, just and preferable to our current mode of organization. It is the emancipatory project that growth objectors grow unabated. "I agree! But watch it anyway. Lier" the "path" a "way of life already suggests - quite unintentionally, here - there would look at this collectivist decay. And that is what the word itself suggests that many citizens lambda : these people, they think, will not only determine the thresholds "macro" sustainability, but they We will also prescribe "the" lifestyle "Descending", which the micro level, go with. Forced reduction, austerity, indoctrination, prohibition, etc..: This is what spontaneously, most citizens of our capitalist democracies hear when they hear the word "decay". They are wrong, I know! But you can not promote a political and economic with words that make people start wrong, who steered the outset.

I do agree that the terms I suggested in the echoing others, like "prosperity without growth of GDP" (Tim Jackson, Peter Victor), "Economic sobriety happy" (Patrick Viveret) or " fullness "(Juliet Schor) can be recovered. But while can be retrieved by malicious people and bad faith. The term "decay" is no exception, as many economists, more or less complicit in the capitalist logic that they continue to believe liberating vilify the word by linking it to an officer, the gloom, the cult the "still less" and return to the caveman or communism or whatever. Is not there too, recovery? All the words we use can be recovered by people who do not understand, because it is in their interest (More or less conscious) do not understand. It seems to me that the alliance is better than division. In that sense, yes, I admit not having much better served "the cause" by suggesting to simply ban the word decay. It does not just say, as suggested by Jean-Baptiste Godinot. It must be considered at the right level - which in my opinion, means we are not talking systematically citizens 'micro' in terms of decay, which is and must remain a concept of "macro". The ideas of frugality or fullness are happy, for their part (and despite their recovery dishonest always possible), located at the micro level that suitable for public debate.

It is therefore to cultivate, in the movement of the growth target (which expression also seems to me far more meaningful than "decline" - why, perhaps, the movement itself does s not call mpd ... Political Movement Descending ?...) - it is growing, so a healthy distinction between macroeconomics of reduced rates and extended (un-GDP growth, de- globalization, re-localization, de-financialization, etc.). microeconomics and construction of new lifestyles (primacy to ties on the property, sobriety happy, fullness, etc.).. The project's objective of growth is the joy and fullness of frugality in the face of declining production and consumption. The two levels are not separable, and it is harmful they are. It then makes some people think that the decrease will be a constraint on gloomy and discouraging their lifestyle, and other than the joy of life can happen macroeconomic reductions. Simply, the level of debate citizens is indeed the field of life choices and happiness that counts, not directly the level of macroeconomic management of GDP.

So I continue to think that the word "Decay" should be stationed outside the public debate , not because it would be a hidden secret and shameful, but because it does not correctly describe the life choices that are to be developed. (These choices are plural, so it is risky to speak, as does Jean-Baptiste Godinot, "the" way of life that corresponds to the decay.) As pointed out by thinkers such as Isabel or as Juliet Schor Cassiers The purpose of life, existence as a family, practice, philosophical or spiritual not decay, but good growth, which occurs spontaneously in our lives when Leaving aside, happily, with relief, attitudes and values "micro" which induce, in terms "macro", the dogma of growth. The decrease "macro" goes hand in hand and can not succeed without the growth "micro" - not just any, but a "growth- had" personal values the extension links The growth of knowledge, extension of time given, etc.. [The prefix eu- in Greek means "good," "harmonious," etc.]. The challenge, and it's size, is to understand how to articulate a sustainable manner for personal growth and collective decay.

While I do agree with objectors that the reductions in macroeconomic growth will be inevitable sooner or later, since the ecological limits are close to appealing to us so brutal. Hence, obviously, the whole raison d'etre of this blog: the key issue in the coming years is the collective and personal transition as progressive and sustainable as possible towards a sustainable economy. So we will all, in our current lifestyles, feel the limitations and constraints from a degraded environment and even become hostile global warming, rising Ocean, extreme weather events, depletion of fossil fuels, etc.. Decay "macro" So bite with greater force on our unsustainable lifestyles that we will not have time discovered, or rediscovered, the positive virtues of a frugal life and the joys of a real existence more relational, more local, slower, less crowded. But the issue of transition is precisely to avoid at all costs, that the disastrous effects of a decrease unplanned, imposed by nature, not violently destroy our illusions and do nomads of us staring at a darkened world .

they like it or not, those who use the word "decrease" are immediately raise the specter of sustained reduction of poverty not selected, the regression imposed. This is not what they want nor what they preach, I know, but thus . And the reaction of citizens to this kind of evocation, I guessed you have lived for tens of times at conferences and public debates: WinCE on what we have, refusal to consider the future otherwise, rejecting the ideas of frugality and simple joy, blind thrust towards "growth" and the continuation of the liberal model. It Regrettably, I know, but that's . The collective decay must be presented as the result of changing patterns of personal growth - not as a precondition imposed a life change. So, do not talk so much decay, talking about spirituality, happiness, report back to nature and to others, social justice and fighting for human rights in the context of a critique existential individual consumerism and Workaholism ambient. The youngest citizens, in particular, are much more motivated by these issues then that a macroeconomics of the "decline" certainly justified, but always placed at the wrong level and in the wrong place in the debates.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What To Do If Swallow Scope

It's back! Tropical Queen

Hello the boyz n 'girlz!


Gone the sun, palm trees, fine sand and hello rain, leaves, wind and cold! Everything is shifted on Fring'Halles but returned it in October and not before here!!

To honor the fall, I weasel new outfits to go to work! Touches of color to break the classicism of some clothes and stand out in the business districts of Paris!

Red & Black New Look Combines

Classic Combines

Magenta Combines

Coming of 'accessory you want in-here ... Stay tuned!!

In the "Classified Ads" on the blog, here it is. If you are interested, feel free to contact:
Through the development of its activities, the research team
More Cosmo - a webmaster,
- A (e)
photographer - a (e) makeup (se)
- a (e) First shoot stylist
planned: Saturday, October 30, 2010. Send mail to: @

Fring'hallounnette on the path to school at your service!