Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Implantation Day Before Period

the transition?

The first comments I received about my text show that the groundswell of citizen is indeed running. Certainly, everyone does not agree on everything, but it is at the interface between political institutions "classic" (cabinet ministers, parliaments) and the new movements and groups that citizens are the issues more urgent.

The political class does not seem to really believe the opportunity to accompany a transition like the one depicted in my text. Can you blame him? Yes and no.

No, because the numbers are there: electorally speaking, "citizens in transition" remain quite small - even marginal, in the perception of a lot of decision makers. And it's not just a matter of party politics: if one really believes that the percentage of voters for a moment x a certain project is good measure of the social relevance of this project, is clear that "democracy" (as conceived by those who think this way) does not support the transitional dynamics. Not yet, at least, say the more nuanced ... Still, the "short-termism" that strike our political decision making problem. If a minority (digital) of citizens in policy sends a strong signal, why ignore them? Response from some "Democrats" because any minority is a priori suspicious . It is true that being a minority does immediately decked by an undeniable dignity, if that were the case, although the movement should be humanely nauseating listening to the government.

The issue is not quantitative, it is qualitative. "Citizens in transition" are people who for various reasons, have chosen to devote considerable time and energy to actively seek alternative lifestyle. They are therefore, in some Thus, an "action research team" permanent, in which the policy can - if desired - to draw knowledge and analysis. Part of the continuing education (this institution so highly valued in our country, and it is important at all costs to preserve and even strengthen) is already over, with the public, initiatives transition. I refer specifically to two organizations that I know and rubs: the Friends of the Earth and the association Barricade. There are certainly lots of others. They make themselves known on this blog or elsewhere, so we fédérions maximum forces Wanted! Where the policy is wrong, is not to understand (but the horizon of a 5-year maximum term, what else?) That those citizens, as few as they are, are an invaluable resource. Acquired their lives, often obtained through difficult events and failures exceeded, can multiply with massive force. And their numbers are growing all the same in our latitudes!

As such, a previous commentator on this blog made the following remark: it is bitter but deserves our deep reflection: "Is there (...) much to hope for the emergence of such departments and other aid to experimentation? I am among those who, perhaps wrongly, do not expect much from politics. I can not help thinking that such proposals, by their radical and necessary budget requirements contained therein, can only remain a dead letter. (...) How to promote these alternatives without state aid? How to make them possible without waiting for either a penny or one hectare in any jurisdiction? Are they alone? Will he go in search of great patrons, Robert Owen of the 21st century? Deeper still, it should not be missed and that the pending public support paralyzes seeking private solutions .(...) If there is something to wait and hope it will come from citizens and their grouping in associations. If there is a question as how to unleash their creative power, their action without waiting for state assistance. Even in an advanced democracy, it is foolish to expect a political-economic system to provide himself with his opponent means to contest it in depth. "What is suggested here, which seems fair enough is that citizen action transition must not necessarily expect support from the makers of "short-termist" enrolled in a logic of co-option vis-à-vis the dominant players in the system. If there is a movement "transitioned" emerging, it may to a certain point forward without public support, by tinkering with solutions to help patrons suddenly converted to his cause or by using internal resources to the movement - - after all, a significant fringe of "citizens in transition" has spent his life working as an employee or independent contractor before embarking on this adventure alternative.

But this autonomy is possible only to a certain extent. One of the bottlenecks, as I stated in my text, is the non-availability of land and / or premises for the start of actvities socioeconomic alternatives. Locally, therefore, political support is essential in order to escape the logic of the market a series of key resources without which the transition will be very difficult to grow. Another commentator of my text I emailed this idea extremely relevant: "If I fully support the idea of a 'Ministry of Transition' I remain, as you pointed out yourself, confident that intermediate steps / preliminary at municipal level are essential and probably necessary in a approach 'bottom to top' as closest alternative initiatives. They probably precede any possibility of creating a ministry he was only regional. Could we therefore also introduce the proposal of Alderman of the transition? "

is very fair! The idea of a Ministry (regional or even federal) had germinated in my mind as a challenge to launch the political class as a whole. Ultimately, I think as this commentator that the existence of a collective body that can coordinate multiple local initiatives will inévtiable - hence the department. But in the short term, yes, let's start by a coupling of "citizens in transition" and most local elected officials, the most visible and questions immediatly: we would in each municipality an alderman of economic transition . This would also Alderman, subsequently, the ideal single point that I advocate in my track No. 3 (paragraph 3.15 of my text).

A simple idea, then: we take our pen or keyboard, and send our mayor the address of this blog, or text that is discussed, or any other form of inquiry that can bring out this application an Alderman of the economic transition that would explicitly the tracks I suggested in my paragraphs 3.15 to 3.18.

What do you think?


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