Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The Dreamlife of books

With books, we enter the imaginary world of dream lives where we meet the characters that we can freely ignore or to love or hate, without any of the normal constraints of everyday life do not hinder us. Everything is possible and nothing is done or not done, what is allowed and what is not, will switch on our way. I can be the happiest of men and you miserable, you and me here besides me, cracked, wrinkled and you a beauty that you do not know how it is insolent and cruel, white me and you yellow or black, all we want about what makes the difference between beings and between them continuously, was abolished by the genius of the books absolutely democratic, inviting us to meetings full of grace and generosity. We can shake hands with Myshkin, and it will be warm, or dancing with Natasha - is not it a bit to me? - Navigate the seas with Ishmael in pursuit of the white whale, riding alongside Fabrizio del Dongo and we salute the Emperor, share the cache of Gavroche in the elephant and dancing on the barricades of the Commune, collecting stamps position with Salomon Rubinstein or chat with the Duchess of Guermantes, launch into the sky with kites effigies of Voltaire and Hugo do with Ambrose tance to the Nazi party wild imagination gives us freedom. And people whose truth, feelings and inner thoughts are beyond us - that terrible loneliness that is our common lot - here they engage us as we accompany the omniscient author, this "monkey of God" mentioned Flaubert, in a wonderful transparency of the world and beings, we never want to take ownership. That's why we love literature.
The world of our days and our nights can be so conventional, narrow and rigid - not always, of course, because there, for sure, we reserve of wonderful surprises - that We must close our eyes to hope to dream, perhaps. How many missed opportunities life is it that we live poetically in the novels that we loved. No wonder that when we go back down to earth, we took the foot in the carpet: what nonsense to believe that this was really possible!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Mother Teresa, the saint of darkness

a previous post, which seems to have attracted the attention of a number of readers, was devoted to the terrible experiences of the "night of faith, of inner emptiness, a total absence sense of God's presence, to the impossibility pray, has known and proven Mother Theresa, and that for decades. Nothing in his face bright, full of joy in his dedication to the poorest of the poor and that was for so many people, believers or not, the world an immense source of comfort and consolation, could hint torment, despair itself, she lived, and of the letters written (in English) to some of his relatives who were long kept secret. So I bought for you and for me, the book in which they were published, Mother Teresa, Come Be My Light, The Private Writings Of The "Saint of Calcutta , (edited and commented by Brian Kolodiejchkuk, MC, Doubleday, New York, 2007).
Of these letters, here's the most remarkable and most heartbreaking (I have not changed the punctuation that seem strange or somewhat chaotic style of the author. His language was not English, but the Albanians): A

Loreto, dear Father, I was very happy - the happiest of all nuns, I think. - Then came the call. - Our Lord asked me directly - the voice was clear and full of conviction. - Still, he asked me in 1946. I knew it was Him. Fear and feelings terrible - lest I be the victim of an illusion. - But I had always lived in obedience - I presented the whole situation to my spiritual father - hoping all the time he would tell me that it was an illusion of the devil, but not - as the voice told me it is Jesus who asks - and then, you know, everything was successful. My superiors sent me to Asansol in 1945 - and there, as if the Lord gave to me, completely. The sweetness and consolation and union of these six months, but they disappeared too soon.
Then the work began - in December 1948. - By the year 1950, increase the number of sisters - the work increased.
Now, Father, for 49 or 50, this terrible sense of loss - this incredible darkness - this loneliness - this longing for God constantly - that gives me pain deep in my heart. Darkness is such that I do not really see anything - neither with my mind nor with my reason. - The place of God is empty. - There is no God in me. When the suffering of aspiration is too great - I aspire, aspire only to God - and then what I feel is that He does not want me - He is not here. - Paradise - souls - why do it here for me - words that mean nothing to me? My real life seems so contradictory. I help souls - to where? Why all this? Where is my soul be mine? God does not want me. - Sometimes, just hear my heart cry - "My God" and nothing else comes. - The torture and suffering, I can not explain them. - Since my childhood I felt the most tender love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - but this, too, disappeared. - I feel nothing in front of Jesus - and yet I shall not want for anything the Holy Com. [Communion].
You see, Father, the contradiction in my life. I wish to God - I love him - love him a lot - living only for love of him - only love - and yet there is that the sentence - the aspiration but no love.
All these things were so natural to me before - until Our Lord comes entirely in my life. - I loved God with all forces of a child's heart. It was the center of everything I was doing and saying. - Now, Father, everything is so dark, so different, yet all that is mine is to him - despite the fact that he does not want me, He does not care about me. When work began
- I knew what that meant. - But I accepted everything with all my heart. - I made only a prayer - give me the grace to give the Saints to the Church.
My Sister, Father, are the gift that God gives me, they are sacred to me - each of them. That's why I love them - more than I love myself. - They are a huge part of my life.
My heart and my soul belong to God alone - He dismissed as an unwanted child of His Love. And with that, I made this resolution in this retreat;
Being at his
be it from me as He wants, as He wants, as long as he wants. If my darkness is light to some soul - even if they do nothing for anyone - I am happy parfaiteùent - to be a flower in God's field
[p. 209-212]

Many spiritual and theological comments were given to the significance of these events until the seventeenth century was called "drought inland - in particular, for reporting to the night of faith, night view, night of the mind, in St. John of the Cross. My purpose here is not to analyze, much less to judge their relevance or truth. Besides, who could? With all what these letters reveal grandeur, nobility and heroism, perhaps another time - a world before ours - they are sufficient unto themselves.
As seen, the goodness - and who can doubt that Mother Teresa was an unforgettable figure of human kindness? - Is something infinitely more profound and complex, perhaps even tragic, that the idea of it usually. Nothing, in any case that is purely and simply a matter of "good feelings" that we can ridicule and mock the name of some naive impulses of man compassionate and falling of sentimentality.

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Dostoevsky and the singing of the world

Much has been said Dostoevsky he is a novelist of the city (of St Petersburg in particular) and not, unlike Turgenev and Tolstoy, of nature. In The Idiot however, a notable exception to this characteristic is in the account of a walk that made the prince in the mountains in Switzerland, and in this novel is the third crucial experience "the beauty of life" :

At this point, it was really like an idiot, he could not even speak properly, sometimes he did not understand what was wanted of him. He had ventured into the mountains on a clear day, sunny, and he had walked a long, full of tormenting thought but could not at all embodied. He saw before him a dazzling sky, below, a lake, around a bright horizon, infinite, yes, that had no bounds or limits. He remained a long time looking to tear. He remembered now as he stretched his arms towards the property and infinite light, as he wept. What tortured him, that he was a total stranger to this. What was this feast, what was this grand and eternal feast, which had no end, and to which he was as magnetized so long has always been childhood, a party to which he had not any means to take part? Sees every morning after sunrise as dazzling, and every morning a rainbow rises over the waterfall, each evening, the snowy mountain, the highest out there in the distance, after the sky ablaze a purple flame, any "small fly buzzing around him in the warmth of a sunbeam choir participates in everything and she knows her place, she loves him, she is happy", yes, the lesser blade of grass grows and is happy! Everything in its own way, and knows all his own way, everything starts with a song, everything comes with a song he alone, he knows nothing, he alone does nothing, neither people nor the sounds, he is abroad in all, a runt. " [liv. 3, VII, p. 168-169]

Such passages are extremely rare in the work of Dostoïeski so it is that it is of crucial importance in understanding the hero, if enigmatic in many ways. In fact, it's not really a description of nature as a writer "naturalist" could make a birch woods, a sunset or traces of wolves in the snow. Reality as perceived by the prince without being able to join, to which he tends with his whole being without power communicate with her, is seen through the-natural beings, vague and general (sun, rainbow sky, mountains) together in a "whole" and that means the indistinct nature as a whole. But what really matters is not this or that particular landscape - this one and not another - that the artist would care for and fun to describe, but the feeling of joy, wholeness and mystery that emanates from contemplation of nature, and simultaneously sinking feeling that all this is beyond intelligence. The prince ends up "idiot" abroad as a "runt," a little man crushed by the manifestation of infinite good which is the secret truth of all things, would it be so tiny that a single fly. As if echoing in these places, the great metaphysical proclamation of Alexander Pope: "All is well".
And where does that enlightenment can happen, if not what the "me" does not interfere and does not cross? What is experienced - the presence of an orderly world where everything is in place, and therefore, happy (as opposed to the general chaos of human passions) - is the subject of an intuition, an inner awareness that , as obvious, or she can not be represented and can be set remotely by the virtues of self reflection, language and representation, so that's the very thing that is a source of happiness, which produces very both aphasia and anguish, idiocy in all. Something like a excess be on all human capacity to objectify, to understand, say, and that can only be seen, but which was once known, while that exchange that the has lived with the greatest intensity (like the final moments of the condemned man or the brilliant inspiration that precedes an epileptic seizure). In this excess, donation or the manifestation of being as expensive "treat" and as "festival" shows * with all the features of transcendence (in the sense of what escapes and exceeds what exactly, but that does not reported as such to God), so it can not be fully granted, although the soul is drawn to the outpouring of well-being and, as it shows in the spectacle of nature, by a powerful eros, or, to use the image passing through Dostoyevsky by a magnet. Not the measure of all things, man can not, so it is the prince, but feel foreign, it would all efforts to reach out, open and welcome what is given, but which gives the mode of growing. It is therefore inevitable that the perception of song in the world creates a sense of failure comparable to the impossibility of making every moment a century.

____________________ * See the beautiful book by Jacques Dewitte, The event itself, elements of a philosophical critique of utilitarianism (La Découverte, 2010), to which I devoted a post, "or Jacques Dewitte the art of reading ", June 18, 2010.