Friday, March 12, 2010

Fleetwood Wilderness 30n Specs

ECOLO, or the mountain that gave birth to a mouse

Dear readers of this blog, you probably heard about the announcement by Ecolo-Groen! Of "Ten propositions for the successful transition of our green economy and promoting employment. If not, you will probably hear some in the media in the coming days. The text of the proposals downloaded from the website Green Party.

What is striking, of course, is the presence of the word "transition" in the title of this appeal. This word is certainly not a registered trademark and everyone is free to use as it sees fit. But I want to urge visitors to this blog (which is called TRANSITIONS) that qu'ECOLO use made of the word has almost nothing to do with the one we explore here . This is important because all the apparatus of political parties have the annoying tendency to recover too quickly living concepts circulating in civil society, peoples' movements for devitalized by turning them into propaganda tools instantly. Not that I think qu'ECOLO, unable per se, to advocate the transition as we call him our best wishes here - but it is very certainly not with the call latter, despite its grandiose terminology, this authentic transition may be initiated.

I explained my note "Transition ecological and economic transition" February 12, the day of creation of this blog, in an evening of informal discussion in the cabinet of Jean-Marc Nollet, Minister-key governments the Walloon Region and French Community of Belgium. Without betraying the confidentiality of discussions, I can still show that the transition double trigger I advocated in my paper was not very attractive for makers trained on the short term. (There was, however, especially where members of the Forward Studies Unit in the office of a minister in charge of scientific research also.) Capitalism me is do we understand, is essential not only short term but also as a central engine of our wealth creation, we must harness the discipline or even force him to target "green," but it does not exceed to a post-capitalist horizon.

short, out of green capitalism, no hello. Consequently, and contrary to what I hammered in my text, the second trigger (transition from capitalism to a green post-capitalism) remains a dead letter for Ecolo - even in the longer term, as some "bigwigs" at this meeting (not elected but veterans cabinettards) argued loudly, joining in that all the big employers in Belgium, France and Navarre, that self-management, participatory economics, democracy and corporate capitalism without capital-friendly fiscal had no future and does not reflect the "nature of man."

These options pro-capitalists are most clearly reflected in the first eight propositions of "transition" Ecolo. (The ninth is nice but obviously purely symbolic isolate public buildings will be there a sufficient signal for the powerful private economic actors, including Belgian, who contributed work to undermine long-term ideological to finally derail the summit in Copenhagen?) Ecological Transition, yes maybe We say MM. Nollet and Javaux - but economic transition, no. Perhaps the secret hope of environmentalists is Belgian he dint of "green" private capitalism by state rules they will one day, as by surprise, triggering the second expansion of the post-capitalist economic transition? I doubt in the light of my contacts within the party, but even if that hope was truly present in them, they should rely more heavily on the constellation of actors I mentioned in my message of March 4: citizens' movements (including Cities and Communities in Transition), continuing education and social economy.

Jean-Michel Javaux retort may be that I have not seen the proposal No. 10. Yes, yes, I saw her. It is a laggard, as an appendix to discrete perhaps feel good. The question is not whether or not to support the social economy - the answer is obviously yes, and even bosses capitalist with whom I had the opportunity to speak say they favor the emergence of third-sector. No, the real issue is the critical status that gives Social Economy: Is it fated to remain one of the three components of a "plural economy" governed by the partnership between the private and crushing State, or is it called a visionary and prophetic role: that of offering experiences post-capitalist life-size (but in context Social Democratic hostile capitalist) that are intended to be generalized into a new model? Of course it is, and not a "greening" of the capitalist social democracy, we mean here by a genuine transition.

Gold says the tenth proposal ECOLO? What are the assumptions? Read the beginning of the proposal: " organizations of social and solidarity economy often emerge in response to social demands which the market or economic and / or public action can not respond adequately or quickly. Faced with the The challenge of climate change, it is therefore not surprising to see emerge initiatives in the sector of social economy. They also play a pioneering role in relation to trades new, particularly in the areas of recovery, reuse or remediation. for a successful transition to ecological economics, we must also give the opportunity to undertake these different ways. "(p. 11) This vision is entirely conventional economic and social solidarity as support for the capitalist social democracy to meet the" market failures "(jargon: market failures). implied: the social economy is a stopgap adjuvant enable both sides to make other odd jobs as private companies are not willing to do them because they do not pay enough ... Under the guise of "ways to undertake different," we will eventually co-opted by the state enterprises and the private sector to complement the range of tasks to low-profit private, but high collective value, performing in a capitalist green where the State itself agrees to let the private big margins for action and funding. This is not bad, certainly, but not - I repeat not - the economic transition that we refer here to our wishes. There is no shadow of a post-capitalist horizon to open, not the slightest hint of a radically new society to build.

Can we blame ECOLO given birth to a mouse and after the idea of "transition" a mountain? If you've read my previous articles on this blog, you probably understand that it is pointless to throw stones at a ruling party that faces a strong private sector partners and with majority less than receptive to the radical alternatives. The rhetoric of the radical has become a tool of "com" in the daily politics of today. The apparatus of the parties know that a lot of people expect the big news, and then we sprinkle thundering ad: a "new social pact" to the PS, a "Planet Humanist" to the UNHRC, an "ecological transition" in Ecolo. (The MR, it is silent on all fronts, seeking perhaps even to translate its new "social doctrine" in visible acts. Perhaps, ultimately, a little less dishonest.)

I think really think that we are citizens, while speaking clearly in favor of either political party at election time, rather must turn to individual politicians in all progressive formations - - elected representatives who, one by one, take their courage in both hands and openly display their willingness to take players in economic transition, especially at local level. Entrenched privilege the movement and human-sized Cities and Communities in Transition (VCT). The idea for the Deputy Mayor of economic transition, which was proposed on this blog by some readers and I relayed imédiatement, absolutely must make his way. Leave with some healthy skepticism, large formations patricratiques announce their "proposals". They will be judged in time, when they have been implemented, if one day they are . The immediate rather support local elected officials in their personal transformation to the "existential activism." These elected braver than average, and more enterprising than their own party apparatus, accompany them and support them in their attempts to combine citizens' movements, continuing education and social economy in the development of a real alternative , that is to say a socioeconomic transition double trigger.


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