Friday, September 10, 2004

Swallow Little Bit Of Listerine

Wireless Mesh Architecture

A quick post to mention the many current developments in wireless, mainly around the mode without infrastructure: the Ad-Hoc. This mode is used mainly to connect two computers together (peer to peer) for file shares. But there it is to connect hosts to gradually establish a network, allowing all hosts to communicate with each other.
These types of networks have been named in different ways and somewhat confuse the reader. Among the quantity of terms describing the wireless ad-hoc type, I tried to see a little clearer. It often includes the words "MESH AD-HOC WIFI "to describe wireless networks without centralized structure.
Mesh, English word or mesh netting, applies to the topology (architecture) of a network where all hosts of the network (wired or not) are connected to the next, without central hierarchy, thus forming a net-shaped structure. This helps avoid sensitive issues, which in case of failure, eliminate the connection of part of network. If a host is out of order, its neighbors will go through another route. Architecture developed by the U.S. military.
Ad-Hoc, is defined here as "spontaneous" and applies connection type. That is to say that a PC that connects to a network-like ad-hoc network is gone instantly.
Wifi, indicates the type of wireless connection, but other technology could be used.

The basic principle is that each host becomes a router for the others. I would come back a little further on the routing protocols used.
This type of network does not require access point, no dedicated router and dynamically manages the association and disassociation of the hosts. Main strengths: speed of implementation, cost, independence from the access point (that either from commercial or technical). The downside is the need for a mesh size if a job wants to connect it to "hook" a neighbor. Of course we must increase the range of antennas, and ensure that posts are in ongoing activity (sleep to the sound of the fan of your PC). This type of network adapts to all types of terminals: detector, webcam, radio transmission and computer course. Solutions are being tested including the MIT-Roofnet (Massasuchet Institute of Technology), Cambridge (U.S.): Universities, research centers (such Inria), corporations (Ozone) and many Associations (wireless) are working and developing wireless networks without access points (hot spots), that is to say in ad-hoc mode. For future applications are numerous: in the military (of course they have the pepete for) in the field of relief and emergency services (setting up a field hospital ...) and in the civilian sector (connected Internet broadband networks citizens ...), many cities are developing wireless ad hoc networks, even NASA is developing a wireless communication system for ad-hoc exploration vehicles on Mars.

History and technical

The early research on networks "Ad-Hoc multihop" (Ad-Hoc multihop network) dates back to 60 by the DARPA (Defense Advanced Reseach Projects Agency) and yes even the U.S. Army!
Today most routing protocols specific connections and mobile ad-hoc group from the MANET (Mobile Adhoc NETwork) established by the IETF in 1997.
A MANET is defined by mobile nodes, with one or more wireless interfaces and have routing function. This routing function allows a packet to reach its destination node to node without router designated. On the other hand, the network is dynamic because nodes can move and change constantly topology.
The building blocks that make up a MANET routing protocol are:
-view (partial or complete) of the topology of the network through an exchange of packets between neighbors ctrl.
-an algorithm for calculating road (MRCA: Mathematical Route Calculation Algorithm) for finding the best path.
-time route calculation to determine the new roads as far in advance as possible.

The main families of routing protocols: the proactive, reactive and hybrid.

  • The proactive (Table driven) compute routes in advance, allowing the transfer faster. Each node updates one or more routing tables by control packets. This allows him to have a network topology continuously. Through the dissemination of control packets lowers bade bandwidth. Main
    proactive protocol OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) protocol link-state inspired hyperlan1. It limits diffusion excessive control packets using specialized nodes (multipoint relays) which are responsible for distributing these messages.

  • Reagents (On Demand), unlike precedents, does not calculate routing before there was a request by an application for a transmission. When a source node desires to transmit to another, it sends a request across the network. After receiving the request, the destination node returns a reply packet that goes back to the source, thus making the route to transfer data
    The bandwidth is greater, but the delay between the request and the creation of the road is so important that the package (on hold) is destroyed by the IP layer. To solve this annoying problem, the network layer has been modified to take into account the waiting time. Main
    reactive protocol: AODV (Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector), distance vector protocol. When a node tries to transmit, if it has no route to its destination in its routing table, it sends a RREQ (Route Request) on the network which will broadcast from host to destination host or until a node with a route to the destination. During this phase, each node receiving this RREQ, will record (in cache) the address of the node having sent the request. Arriving at the final node, it sends a RREP (Route Response) to the source the best path. The answer goes back from node to node through the address stored in the cache. AODV handles disconnections if a node detects that one of his neighbors did not respond, it sends a RERR (Route Error) to the source.

  • hybrids, mixing the two. They use a technique proactive in a small perimeter around the source (nbe quite small jumps) and reactive nodes farther away. Protocol ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol), protocol CBRP (Cluster Based Routing Protocol).

Handbook electric heaters

Guide sur le choix d'un radiateur électrique
Explains how to choose an electric heater ...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Kharghar Property Seller

Race WIFI - Search access points

A festive event to educate the public on the use of wireless Internet technology will be held near Paris July 3, 2004 from 14 am to 18H.

Node Runner was born in New York in 2003. This urban game sees players compete in groups equipped with a laptop, a camera and a WiFi scanner. To win you must identify the maximum of WIFI hotspots in a limited time.

region and Paris IDF Wireless are associated in organizing this event. A Web site, is created for the occasion and can register. Excerpt from


... "The headquarters will be located in Wifildefrance local arcades, the regional body the live performance and image located 1, passage Duhesme (Paris - 18 °). This place will host throughout the post- noon, in partnership with Paris Sans Fil, many
demonstrations on how to become familiar with this technique: public entertainment initiation to wireless technologies and workshops. One learns, for example, how to make its access point High Speed wire (hot spot) with the antenna box "Ricoré"

Throughout the afternoon, artists will host the headquarters for
plastic or musical performance: foreign artists will stage the increase in direct teams, performance art troupe of the "PAVU," a concert by David Pearson, a visual artist who works on WiFi ... "The result on


Paris LAN

Friday, June 11, 2004

Tampa Male Back Waxing

Future touchy for 802.11?

Pirates, white-collar clientele not appointment, reports Alarming security holes, wireless operators are paying about to desert the sector. The deployment of hotspots are scaled down and few operators still believe it is possible to exploit the current conditions in the "vein of the wireless Internet."

In contrast, networks of individuals formed an association and free-wifi meet a real chord with young audiences and customary in computer.

What future for WiFi? A close look at this technology could be used to support the development of a new network totally independent operators. Very remote El Dorado, some dreaming ...


Commissioning Online presentation of OSPF ROUTING PROTOCOL. More efficient than RIP, it is unfortunately still not taught in training centers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Volleyball Cake Images

hotspots hotflops

After a record year of installation of hotspots in 2003 (1300 in France), France ranks third worldwide behind Great Britain and the United States.
analyst Forrester expects 32,000 hotspots in Europe in 2007 (1,000 in 2002), but we are wary of such predictions (see the analysis on business online, WAP, UMTS revolution and so the best).
Only problem, attendance at these hotspots is still declining, the number of subscription or purchase card does not represent what operators expected. In case the prices (around 10 euros per hour, between 20 and 30 euros / day), but also the billing system: cards are only valid for one session and disconnects it loses less full. PB cons these telcos offer cards for use within 24 hours or packages billed per minute coupled with voice subscriptions.
a positive note, free hotspots are always popular and some become free hotspot pay.
Other hotspots:
  • lack of electrical outlets on certain places: a PCMCIA wireless card uses a lot in transmission (the life of the battery is divided by two).

  • lack of security, often even WEP is not implemented.

  • concurence incompatible with the wireless technology: we must know that a station connects to the spot (access point) emitting the strongest, some sites such as airports where operators are located in the same areas, it must force the machine to connect to its operator (if it is implemented).

There are always the same causes the same effects: max profit motive, conceived without excessive consultation between boxes and specialized wireless incumbents (wanting to maintain their supremacy in hotspots and seeing new market share) and all this no regulation of ART. Users fleeing the exorbitant costs and prefer free services.
Source: 01net
source: JDNet

Monday, February 2, 2004

Kates Playground Usemycomputer

routing protocol OSPF

OSPF routing protocol

Role the router is to route packets between different networks. For that, based on its routing table contains the necessary elements (@ network mask, router IP @ target, output interface) to transfer the packet. In addition, the router must have a routing table containing all network numbers for which there shall be capable of routing (or use a default route).
To avoid tedious manual configuration of routing tables, especially if the number of networks and subnets is important, we use dynamic routing protocols called done by routing protocols.
There are two main categories: internal protocols (IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol) to establish the routing tables of routers belonging to a single entity called AS (Autonomous System: Standalone) and external protocols (EGP: Exterior Gateway Protocol) for the exchange of information between autonomous systems.
In-house protocols, there are two types: distance vector protocols (Distant Vector Protocol) that use the router as jump metric, and link state protocols (Link State Protocol), much more efficient than precedents, we shall see in detail through OSPF

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) OSPF

was designed in the late 80s to address the main shortcomings of distance vector protocols (limiting the number jumps to 15 max, convergence time too important ...). It is an open protocol (no copyright), version 2 (latest) has been defined and standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) in 1998 by RFC (Request For Comment) No. 2328, a Version 3 (RFC 2740) was designed for IPv6.
OSPF is an internal routing protocol Link-state operating in the battery TCP / IP, it is placed directly over IP protocol (No. 89).
Its principle is simple, each router determines the state of its connections (links) with routers neighbors, it broadcasts its information to all routers belonging to a single area. This information forms a database, which must match all routers in the same area. Given an autonomous system (AS) consists of several parts, all of these databases is the topology of the AS. From this database, each router will calculate its routing table using the algorithm SPF (Short Path First).


logical topology and hierarchy (AS) AS

or autonomous system: a set of networks governed by an administrative authority, routing tables are calculated and disseminated to all routers in the AS with the same internal routing protocol (IGP).

AREA or area: a way to better manage an autonomous system of great importance and reduce the exchange of information, we have divided it into several regions called Area. Each area has its own topology and knows no other. A link or network belongs to a single area, the boundaries area to lie on the routers and not on links. Each area is identified by a number of 32-bit (area ID) is independent of network addressing plan. The areas "are structured in a star around a particular area or area called area 0 backbone.

Type area:

-Area 0 (backbone area): it consists of routers BR (Backbone Router) connecting two or more areas "is the path required to move from one area to another. There may be a backbone router, connecting two zones is not physically connected to area 0, then it connects through a virtual link.

-area high school (standard area): it consists of routers IR (Internal Router) knowing only the topology of the area, they calculate the local routing tables.

-terminal area (stub area): same behavior as the standard area except that there is no external storage drive (outside the autonomous system).

There are three types of communication: Intra-area-
: exchange of information specific to this area.
-inter-area: The minimum information exchange to connect the areas.
-Inter-AS: communication for the connection between autonomous systems.

OSPF defines a role for each router and a special operation:

Router type:

-IR (Internal Router): it works within an area (other than backbone), it creates and maintains a Link-State -Database (database link state) depending on all the networks in its area and sends its information to all other routers in the area. This
-Link-State Database is identical to all the IR area.

-ABR (Area Border Router): edge router connecting two or more zones. It has the Link-State Database of the areas it connects. It distributes that information to Bacbone area. In addition it summarizes (summarization of routes) to minimize the information updated.

-BR (Backbone Router): Every field must be connected to area 0 and this through Backbone Router. It functions as an ABR.

-ASBR (Autonomous System Boundary Router): This border router acts as a gateway between autonomous systems. For that it connects to a peer ASBR (another AS) external routes to learn and disseminate its own.

physical topology and hierarchy (Level Area)

For that routers exchange routing information, they must be adjacent, ie they must discover each other. This adjacency will be built using the HELLO protocol (allows the discovery of neighbors and check that they are always accessible). Moreover it is dependent on the type of physical network interfaces for OSPF defines three types of network:

Point to Point (PPP, HDLC) is a segment that connects two routers.

-BMA: Broadcast Multiple Access (Ethernet) segment to connect multiple routers.

-NBMA: Non-Broadcast Multiple Access (X25, Frame Relay, ISDN): segment to connect multiple routers.

On Types and NBMA BMA, many routers can be connected and if each router must establish an adjacency with all other exchanges will cause an overload in the area. We will therefore designate a router (DR: Designated Router) will become adjacent to all others. It will collect state information from other routers link and then rebroadcast to all. This county is becoming a focal point of the segment, to secure this system we will designate a backup router: the BDR (Backup Designated Router).
This system takes the form of election and is based on the IP @ interface of the router. Cons by the election of the DR and BDR applies only to the BMA and NBMA networks.
OSPF uses multicast to send its packets: concretely, packets addressed to all routers in the area use the @ multicast, while only packets addressed to the DR and BDR to use the multicast @ 224.0 .0.6.


General description:

The routing table is achieved through the final implementation of the algorithm SPF (Short Path First) on the basis of information describing the links between the routers of a area. A link is a router interface and its state is the description of this interface (@ IP, mask, routers connected ...). This database is called a Link State Topology Database or table, it is identical to all routers in the area. At startup, a router must be aware of others, he uses the HELLO protocol, then it generates an LSA (Link State Advertisement) representing all the states of links near the router. This exchange link state between routers is done by flooding (flooding). Updates link state (Lin State Update) can upgrade all the routers. When the databases are synchronized (Identical among all routers in the area), each router will calculate the "tree of shortest path" by applying the algorithm SPF (Dijkstra algorithm). It will construct and its routing table (routing table or forwarding table).

Process Flow:

(State interfaces) STEP 1: Discovery of the neighbors (adjacency routers)

(Down state) No exchange of information, waiting for a HELLO packet.

(Init state), routers send HELLO packets (all 10s) to establish a relationship with his neighbor. Upon receiving a HELLO it passes to the next state.

(Two-way state) two possibilities: either there are only two routers (point to point), then the routers become adjacent (we go to Step 3), there are several routers in the case BMA and NBMA networks, we go to step 2.

STEP 2: Election of the DR and BDR

-1: OSPF selects a random router R1 which examines all the others who have reached the state "Two-way".
-2: It removes those with priority 0 (fields "Router priority" HELLO packet, a default value to max and 255 to force a election).
-3: He chooses the one whose priority is highest and named BDR, if tied to the order, he will choose the one whose ID (fields "Router ID" of the HELLO packet) is the most elevated. This ID is the IP @ of the physical interface or (for Cisco routers including) the @ IP loopback interface.
-4: If no router expressed DR in OSPF transforms the DR and BDR resumes steps 2 and 3 to elect the BDR.
-5: The county built the adjacencies with the other (as well as the BDR).

STEP 3: Route Discovery

(ExStart state) Establishing a master / slave relationship between routers, the router with ID (fields "Router ID") the greater becomes the master. The county is still the master.

(Exchange state), routers describe their Link-Database to others. This is the master who initiates the exchange of packets type 2 DBD (Database Description). These packets contain a description of the LDB (Link-State Database) with a sequence number. Routers confirm the receipt of packets by type 5 (LSAck) containing the sequence number. Everyone compares its information with the information received, whichever is the latest the router switches to "Loading".

(Loading state), the router sends packets of type 3 LSR (Link-state Request) to update its link state database of the router LSA with the latest, it responds by sending a packet of type 4 (LSU: link-state update), these are charged by LSU LSAck. These packets contain the Link-state Advertisements (LSA) are the link state information complete.

(Full Adjacency) Loading When the state is complete, the link-state database is synchronized, ie identical in all routers in the area, and each router establishes a list of neighboring routers (adjcency database).

STEP 4: Solution routes (routing table)

When the router has established its link-state database, it can create its routing table. It uses the SPF algorithm that takes into account the link bandwidth (see algorithm SPF).

STEP 5: Maintenance of routing tables

When there is a link status change (eg if an interface no longer receives HELLO packet from another interface, it considers the link "down") the router sends an LSU with the new information to its DR and BDR. These innondent then LSU other routers, new routing tables are created. If no topological change takes place, the information is refreshed, the LSA, by default, a lifetime of 30 minutes.



algorithm SPF (Short Path First) algorithm or Dijkstra algorithm

Dijkstra (Dutch mathematician) is used to calculate routing tables. The goal is to establish the shortest path between a source and destination, the algorithm uses two structures: the structure PATH contains the path to get from one router to another and in a cost structure that contains TENT attempts path not the best cost. In summary, SPF is the sum of costs from itself (root router) to all destination networks, where there are several possible paths to a destination is one that has the lowest cost is chosen .
The cost depends on the bandwidth, the more it diminishes the higher the cost is high, according to the formula: cost = 108/Bandwith.

TDSP algorithm (Two Disjoint Shortest Paths) in OSPF

project has significantly reduced the convergence time compared to the protocol distance vector RIP, but after a single failure, it exceeds the minute, which is too long for real time applications. This convergence time is due to three factors: the time taken by a router to determine that a neighbor router is down, time to resynchronize the database topological and time required to recalculate the routing table. This new algorithm reduces the convergence time. It is actually a modified version of Dijkstra's algorithm based on the calculation of two paths (one backup path disjoint from the first path) used for each possible destination network and a single pass. This removes the two last time factors mentioned above.

By default the information is received by routers without sender authentication.
can activate a mechanism for authenticating OSPF messages. There are two types of authentication: one by a simple password and the other by a process of hash (message digest authentication: MD5). These authentications will be shared within the same area.
Athentification by simple-password: all routers share a password that will pass in the clear.
-MD5 Authentication: a key (key: password) and a key-id are configirés on each router. Each router will generate a borrowed 64-bit OSPF packet to send according to its key and its key-id with the MD5 hash algorithm. The destination router will perform the same operation, by comparing its result with the message digest received, it can be sure of the sender.


OSPF was developed to overcome the many problems of RIP and meet the need of routing on large networks.
Its main advantages are: fast convergence

-no-limit routers 'RIP is limited to 15 hops)
-supports VLSM and CIDR to reduce road
-specific metric (depending on bandwidth)
-load distribution (load balancing) through management of multiple routes for same destination .
-security by authenticating routing
-use of multicast and incremental update and not full. By
cons OSPF requires for its calculations consumption of CPU and memory very important on routers.


Header OSPF

version 2
type 1 Hello 2 Database Description (used for adjacent routers) 3 Link State Request (used for adjacent routers) 4 Link State Update 5 Link State Ack (returned to the sender of the Link State Update, after a random time t)
packet length in bytes of header + data
ospf router id, the source router (each router must have a unique ID in the autonomous system)
ID area id of the area concerned
header checksum checksum + data authentication
auType authentication type: 0: null 1: single 2:
cryptographic Authentication Data authentication: type 0: insignificant type 1: type 2 password: data (key number used, sequence number, etc.).. In this case hash (paquet_ospf clé_secrete_connue_de_tous_les_routeurs +) is added at the end of the packet.

HELLO message

network mask netmask associated with the interface
hellointerval number of seconds between sending Hello
options options supported by this router (not detailed)
rtrpri router priority: if true 0 is ineligible as a désigné or Backup Designated Router
RouterDeadInterval number seconds necessary before declaring this router as dead
DR Designated Router for this network. if there is no Backup Designated
BDR of the network. if there is no ID
neighbor routers that it has received Hello packets

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Griha Pravesh Pregnancy



To complete a network of training a year in the context of training leave (CIF) to the AFPA Champs sur Marne, I did an internship in which I installed and secure a wireless network. This blog is the online report from my end of course, at least its theoretical part. The practical part, ie secure server by VPN and dedicated switcher (Bluesocket) is not published because it contains confidential data to the company. This is unfortunate but I intend to do an overhaul of the doc.
last point, I'm interested in all proposals job on this theme and any information or items that are added to the blog.


Firstly I would like to clarify that the term Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a label defined by the WECA (Alliance for the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility of equipment), but it is used as a common name representing the wireless links in the computer world. I take as a convention in this report, write Wi-Fi when it is the norm and when wireless is the generic term representing a wireless network.
Since establishment in 1997 of the 802.11 standard that defines a wireless LAN, and especially since the establishment of a standard Wi-Fi enabling interoperability between different devices on the market, the installation of this type network has grown exponentially.
This craze, individuals and corporations, resulting obviously a sale of wireless equipment very important and continues to grow, such as the U.S. research firm Dell'Oro Group, in a year-Fi card sales rose 69% in volume and 10% in value, thanks to the advent of 802.11g.
Another significant point is the creation of "hot spots" (public area for the wireless connection): the number of access points increased from 270 in 2001, 1000 and in 2001 more than 20,000 this year. This "explosion" due to a change in policy among the major telephone operators, they postpone their deployment UMTS in favor of wireless. Because, first new small operators "wifistes" gaining ground, and secondly the cost of a wireless terminal is ten times less than a UMTS terminal.
For an overview of wireless computing world, we can combine wireless users in four major groups:
-Home Spot: wireless network for individuals, there are many advantages such as lack of connection cable or sharing Internet access.

-Work Spot: business wireless network, in combination or instead of an Ethernet LAN, speed of installation and lower cost to wired network.

-Hot Spot: public networks open access to computers or PDA, run by operators or by telephone companies on public areas (stations, plazas, restaurants ...).

-associative networks: the use, by associations or local authorities, liaison wifi point to point over distances up to several kilometers, in particular to compensate for a lack of ADSL.
Each of these groups push the development of WiFi, but sometimes, interests and needs, another important factor in the expansion of radio links is the recent release of the ISM frequency band (used by wifi).
But wireless networks are maturing and have still many weaknesses in security, speed, quality of service or mobility devices.
My job during the EAP and the following specifications, is to see one aspect of the world of wireless networks: the enterprise.
I will first present the various standards, their operating principle, representing the theoretical need for a better understanding of wireless LANs. Then I would pursue a safety study current and future wireless networks (the current main weakness), setting up a wireless network and its security will finish my paper.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Phlegm Color - When To See A Dr

transmission wave WIFI Wireless Network Architecture



1. Introduction:

Wireless technologies, as well as wired connections, are grouped into three categories depending on the scope of these links:

them WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network): GSM, GPRS, UMTS-WLAN
( Wireless Local Area Network) WLAN (RadioLan): IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN
-WPANs (Wireless Personal Area Network): Bluetooth, HomeRF

The WPAN covers few meters, the WLAN is measured in tens and hundreds of meters, the WWAN hundreds and thousands of meters.

les categories de reseaux

2. Frequency bands:

les frequences des reseaux

Two groups are represented:
-technologies for mobile phones (from 824 to 2170 MHz)
-technologies used for computing, for WPAN and WLAN , operate on two bands: the ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) (from 2400 to 2500 MHz) band and the U-NII (Unlicensed-National Information Infrastructure) (5150 MHz à5720).

ISM Band:
The ISM band is three sub-bands (902-928 MHz, 2.400-2.4835 GHz and 5725-5850 GHz) single band 2.400-2.4835 GHz with a bandwidth of 83.5 MHz is used by 802.11.
ISM bandwidth (the maximum is 83 .5 MHz) varies from country to country, as well as usable power. Also this band, specifically the sub-band 2.400-2.4835 GHz is heavily used by different standards and disrupted by devices (microwave ovens, wireless keyboard and mouse ...) operating in these frequencies.

band U-NII:
The band U-NII (5 .15-5.35 GHz 5725-5825 GHz) provides a bandwidth Total of 300 MHz, each using a different signal strength.

la bande des 5 ghz

3. Organizations

a) Regulatory agencies:

These bands are recognized by international regulatory bodies for unlicensed use. These agencies are:
FCC: Federal Communications Commission for the United States, ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute for Europe, MKK: for Japan, ART: Telecommunications Regulatory Authority for France.

b) French Regulations:

Since July 25, 2003, for France, the ART redefines the use ISM and U-NII, according to a release from the ISM band and part of the U-NII band by the Ministry of Defence and also for setting compliance on the new EU directives (known as "Telecoms Package").
It should be noted that the ISM band is said to be free is to say that it is free for now of any charge whether for private or public. Furthermore there is no authorization for the use of ISM band outside, only a declaration is required for public use.
These provisions are temporary and will serve as experimental setting pending the establishment of a law.

tables summarizing the provisions of ART

les procedures pour autorisation ART

Tehnique Terms of Use frequency: Capacities are expressed in EIRP = equivalent isotropic radiated power, radiated power emission point average output of antenna.

les puissance autorisees
* DFS: Dynamic Frequency Solution; TPC: Transmit Power Control.

c) Standards bodies:

Two organizations involved in standardization of wireless WLAN

In Europe, the group Hiperlan (High Performance Radio LAN) from the ETSI (European Telecomunications Standards Institute) defines two standards, HIPERLAN 1 with a flow rate of 10 and 20 Mbps and HiperLAN 2 with a flow rate of 54 Mbit / s.

the United States is the committee 802 (so called by its creation date: February 1980) from the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standard that defines the IEEE 802.11 and its extensions (802.11b, 802.11a, ...).

These two standards are incompatible, more Hiperlan solely the band U-NII bands, while 802.11 uses the ISM and U-NII. Currently, only, products from the 802.11 standard are marketed.

le logo WIFI de la WECA

The term Wi-Fi (Wireless-Fidelity) is a standard issued by the WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance) with 802.11b products. The latter, composed of 140 companies, tests and manages the interoperability between equipment to the standard 802.11.b. Lately the term
WiFi certified 802.11a 5.


The 802.11 standard, like all the standards set by the Committee 802, covers the first two layers of the OSI model, that is to say, the physical layer (level 1) and datalink layer (level 2).

les couches du standart IEEE

1. LAYER 1 (802.11 PHY)


The physical layer defines the transmission technique (modulation of radio waves), encoding and signal transmission. The wireless signal will carry electrical information, it will be modified to carry information (binary data here). Sinusoidal electric signals can vary its amplitude (voltage in volts), frequency (in hertz) and phase (degrees). So on one of these three parameters that can change an electrical signal to encode. Usually associated frequency modulation and phase modulation to increase performance.
The physical layer is divided into two layers. PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol) is responsible for listening to the media and signaling by providing a CCA (Clear Channel Assessment) to the MAC layer and PMD (Physical Medium Dependent) processes the data encoding and modulation.

la couche physique

802.11 (LEV1) offers three layers using three different transmission techniques (FHSS, DSSS, IR). New techniques have since been added: 802.11b (DSSS / CCK), 802.11a (OFDM), 802.11g (OFDM) for key.

la couche MAC et la couche physique

IMPORTANT NOTE: The rates shown do not represent useful rates but the actual flow rates needed for a reliable radio transmission.

802.11: The standard physical

802.11 (ratified in 1997) offers two types of transmission associated with frequency modulation and phase modulation technique used mainly infrared transmission in industrial environments and very much about computers. We saw only two types of transmission frequency modulation using more precise technique to "spread spectrum". This technique, developed by the military, has grown considerably because it has good performance against jamming and allows more easily coexist in the same frequency band several transmissions.

FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) / GFSK (Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) spread spectrum or frequency hopping. It changes the carrier frequency by a sequence of jumps. That is to say that the issuer changes its transmission frequency on a periodic basis and following a set sequence, it synchronizes with the receiver frames tags that contain the hop sequence and duration. In the 802.11 ISM frequency band defined from 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz is divided into 79 channels of 1 MHz and the jump occurs every 300 to 400 ms. The transmitter and receiver agree on a hopping sequence. The standard defines three sets of 26 possible sequences (78 sequences total). Signals (FHSS transformed data) are then modulated by a phase modulation type GFSK. The flow rates reach 1-2 Mbps Initially this technique was used for military purposes to encrypt the transmission, but the sequences of frequencies are now standardized, thus disclosed, the 802.11 standard is used to correct the interference phenomenon. Over the Bluetooth uses this technique but with different hopping sequences.

DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) or spread spectrum direct sequence. As for the MSDS, the DSSS is a technique called spread spectrum operating on the 2.4 GHz ISM band. This time the band is divided into 14 channels of 20 MHz, each 20 MHz channel consisting of four units of 5 MHz. Each channel is spaced 5 MHz, except channel 14, spaced 12 MHz channel 13.

bandwidth of 83.5 MHz is, can not be placed end to end 14-channel 20 MHz without having them overlap. When a channel is selected, the signal spectrum occupies a bandwidth of 10 MHz on either side of the peak frequency, that is why we can only use three separate channels (ie three networks) transmitting on the same cell without risk of interference.

les canaux de frequence du WIFI

Examples of combination of three channels:

It is essential to assign to each point of access channels that do not overlap. The major drawback is that the DSSS generates losses due to this overlap. A technique called "chipping" solves the information loss. This technique is to encode each bit in a sequence of 11 bits (called sequence Baker): 10110111000 when the bit is 1 and its complement where 01001000111 is 0. This allows for error control. This sequence or signal, called a "symbol", is transmitted at a rate of 1 MS / s (million symbols per second). The final rate in bit / s will be determined according to the phase modulation applied:

- BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying): This type of modulation will encode one bit at each phase change? rate of 1Mbit / s.
- QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) will encode two bits per phase change? 2 Mbit / s. Using Channel

following countries:

les canaux WIFI par pays

802.11b (Wi-Fi)

The IEEE committee in 1999 identified a new physical layer, or 802.11HR 802.11b (High Rate), allowing for speeds of 5.5 to 11 Mbps s. This new physical layer, called Wi-Fi by WECA, is implemented on 802.11. This standard still uses the ISM band and DSSS modulation, making it fully compatible with 802.11 DSSS coding by cons is more sequence-based Baker, but encoding CCK (Complementary Code Keying). It uses a modulation scheme QPSK phase but at a rate of 1.375 MS / s, which allows it to reach speeds of 11 Mbps In addition, a mechanism for environmental adaptation can automatically adjust the speed (Variable Rate Shiting) according to reception conditions (interference, range of equipment ...).

Rate / Range:

la porte du wifi

type encoding and phase modulation:



In parallel to the previous standard in 1999, the IEEE has finalized a new layer Physical: 802.11a. Referred to as Wi-Fi by WECA 5, the physical layer uses the radio band U-NII 5GHz, which offers a higher bandwidth (300MHz) which is much less crowded than the ISM band. By cons, it is totally incompatible with other physical standards. In addition, the modulation frequency used, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is different from other physical standards. It was found that over the long frames are more overlap, due to interference, inter frame is smaller. This shows that several low-flow channels are more effective than a single broadband.

OFDM: the first two subbands (Low and Middle) of the U-NII band is divided into 8 channels of 20 MHz. Each channel is then divided into 52 sub-channels of 300 MHz, 48 for data and 4 for error correction called FEC (Forward Error Correction).

les canaux du WIFI


This parallel transmission of several sub-channels at low rate that will create, in fact, one broadband channel. In addition we can use eight channels disjoint, without interference, allowing eight Wi-Fi 5 to transmit simultaneously, while Wi-Fi only supports three. Cons by the disadvantage of OFDM is that it requires more power than the spread spectrum technology, which quickly empty the batteries of mobile devices. 802.11a provides data rates from 6 to 54 Mbps depending on the modulation phase used:

- BPSK achieves a throughput of 6Mbits / s
- 64QAM (64-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) allows a rate of 54 Mbit / s.

les layers

As for Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 5 uses the "Variable Rate Shifting" when the environment deteriorates. Throughput from 54 Mbps to 48 then 36, 24, 12 and 6 Mbps to finish. It should be noted that the range is below the standards using the ISM band, because the higher the frequency, the greater the range decreases.

802.11g (validated in June 2003) Last

physical layer in 802.11 and made available since this year but not yet ratified by WECA. : 802.11g. This standard uses the ISM band as Wi-Fi as well as the CCK coding technique, which makes it compatible with Wi-Fi For cons as it uses OFDM transmission technique, which allows it to reach a max speed of 54Mbits / s but with a higher energy consumption. Products using the 802.11g sold on the market should offer full compatibility with 802.11b.

physical phenomena (altered signal / Solutions)

The phenomenon of propagation is a key element in the radio transmission. Depending on the type of environment, characteristics emission and reception will be profoundly changed. In direct propagation, the received signal will decrease linearly, while in a confined environment, the received signal undergoes changes during its route. It can be mitigated, diffracted, and also reflected. Generally we consider that there are four paths created when a signal undergoes an alteration: the direct path, the path with reflection on the ground, and two paths with reflection on the wall. Two additional elements modifying the signal during transmission is taken into consideration: the displacement of people, physical topology change (opening of doors ...) and use of equipment such as fans, microwave oven ...

Table of transmission over Wi-Fi:

Bande passante en fonction de la distance

It is these conditions propagation, which will determine all terms of use (transmission speed and flow). We will see now in terms of these weathering processes, techniques that allow a better radio electric signal carrying information.

The radio signal as it travels, experiences, as we have seen previously, alterations and in particular impoverishment called "fading" in English.
Against this phenomenon using a technique called "diversity". This process involves collecting several transmissions of the same message. Several types of diversity exist:
-spatial diversity (or diversity antenna) is the most used:
The receiver has multiple antennas (minimum two). For information, the length between the antennas must be a multiple of the half-wavelength of the carrier frequency. Upon receipt of a frame can choose the best reception received by its antenna, it can also add or combine the signals, which improves very substantially the result. The

-frequency diversity, is to send a frame at different frequencies and choose the best, this requires having a broad frequency spectrum. The operation of
-time diversity imposes a waiting time between two frames (about 50 ms) which weakens the network performance.

Multiple Routes:
When sending a frame, the receiver receives this frame into several copies according to the different possible paths taken by the frame. The time of receipt is sent to his superior as the original frame and the echoes overlap products. It calculates a delta (SD propagation delay) if it exceeds 10% the length of the frame must be put in place techniques struggles against such interference. Different techniques:
-EQ: It makes a correction of digital transmission, this correction is calibrated by sending a frame of learning known to the receiver. The receiver samples the learning signal taken from a delay line which allows the equalizer to adjust its digital processing. This treatment is then applied to all frames.
-Spread Spectrum: This technique is very different from the previous is highly developed in the 802.11 standard since it is used in frequency bands where other transmissions coexist. The main families described above.

2. LAYER 2 (802.11 MAC)

· General:

At level 2, the data link layer is divided into two sublayers: LLC and MAC. The LLC sublayer, defined by the 802.11 standard is identical to the 802.2 layer allowing compatibility with any other network 802, while the MAC sublayer is reset by the standard 802.11 (LEV2). It characterizes the way of media access common to different physical standards 802.11, it is equivalent to the 802.3 Ethernet standard with features necessary for radio transmissions (the error rate is higher than the wire medium) that are normally assigned to higher protocols, such as fragmentation, control of error (CRC), packet retransmissions and acknowledgments. In addition, the MAC layer defines two different access methods, the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) or CP (Contention Period), also called user access to competition, and the Point Coordination Function (PCF) or CFP (Contention Free Period ) called user access controlled. The DCF method is similar to Ethernet for transporting asynchronous data where stations have an equal opportunity to access support. The second method is the CPF, based on questioning in turn stations or polling controlled by the access point. A station can transmit only if it is allowed and it can only receive if selected. This method is designed for real-time applications (video, voice) requiring management time during data transmissions. The DCF method is used by the architectural forms Ad-Hoc and infrastructure, while the method PCF is used by the infrastructure mode.

La couche 2 du reseau


Historically there are two large families, controlled-access protocols and the protocols to competition: the first ran on time division multiplexing. Each host has a part of the communication available, there is reservation of bandwidth. Many disadvantages are inherent in this technology: a closed network, trouble management, inefficient, limited number of machines. The Aloha protocol, the first protocol to competition is based on a shared access with the support of collision risk between stations. Unable to prevent collisions, it uses a higher layer protocol in connected mode to allow the retransmission of the frame. More to prevent the collision from happening again, the stations have caused the collision, retransmit after a random time. This protocol enabled the rapid development of local networks. But as it does not achieve satisfactory performance on networks of larger size, it was improved by adding a carrier sense. A machine can listen on the bus to see if there is a current issue, the number of collisions is greatly reduced. This is the CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access).

Le protocole CSMA

machines using CSMA know if the line is busy, but if at the same time there are two machines emit collision. These collisions must be detected for the MAC layer can retransmit without passing through an upper layer. A system has been added to the protocol, allowing the machines to listen to the line while they emit is the collision detection (CD: Collision Detection). Protocol CSMA / CD the most used is called Ethernet. This system can be implanted in a radio for two reasons: the radio links used are not full-duplex (one can listen and transmit at the same time) and a machine that listens to the carrier is not sure to listen to all stations connected to the access point (If the station down). So we modified the CSMA / CD to arrive in CSMA / CA (Collision Avoidance) protocol called for collision avoidance.


Protocol CSMA / CA uses several techniques to compensate for this inability to listen to broadcast. First a media access based on timers, a positive acknowledgment, management of recovery collision timers and a technical option for secure data transmission and avoid collisions with hidden nodes.

The Media Access:
Each frame is delimited by a space. This space allows management access to the support by delaying the sending of frames. By the type of timers used, it sets the priority of access. More IFS (Inter Frame Space) is short more access is a priority. There are three different types of inter frames:

Le protocole DCF

-SIFS (Short IFS), the smallest of the IFS, so the highest priority. It is used for transmitting the same dialogue (data, ACK, ...) acknowledgment of the receiving station and data from the transmitting station remains a priority.
-PIFS (PCF IFS) inter frame space used for PCF (controlled access) by the access point. Allows priority access to the AP on the network stations. Its value corresponds to a plus one SIFS time (time slot).
-DIFS (DCF IFS) timer inter frame for distributed access used by stations to access the support (DCF mode).
Note: The fact that the PIFS interstitial frames are shorter than the DIFS interstitial frames show clearly that the data sent in the PCF mode has priority over the data sent in DCF mode.

VALUE SPACES (depending on the physical layer):

Valeur des espaces en fonction de la couche

System acquittal positive

Acquittement ACK

In an exchange between two stations, the station checks the destination CRC the frame and sends an ACK (acknowledgment) to the transmitter. If the transmitting station does not receive ACK, it assumes that a collision occurred, the frame is retransmitted after management using timers

Management pending transmission:

Attente et ecoute pour la transmission When a station wants

transmit data, it senses the medium. If the support is free for a DIFS, the station transmits, if it detects cons by a transmission, it uses a timer called NAV (Network Allocation Vector), allowing it to suspend its transmissions. NAV This applies to all stations and they have the ability to issue after the end of the NAV. The NAV is calculated on the TTL (Time To Live) of frames sent. This allows stations in the vicinity of the source and destination stations to know the full cycle of transmission to come. These different stations pending issue threatens to cause collisions if not using a management technique where the carrier will be free again. This process is called the restart backoff algorithm, each station calculates a random delay between 0 and 7 "time slot" (the time unit smaller, varying according to standard physical) and decrements this timer as soon as media is free. The station reached a value of 0 will transmit its first information, the other timer and block them again as soon as media is free again. If two stations have the same value of timer collision will occur. These stations will then regenerate a new meter, including this time between 0 and 15. This algorithm allows stations to access the media with the same probability, but not guaranteed period.

Technical secure transmission reservation (optional):

Securisation par reservation

Listening to the media is at the physical layer with the PCS (Physical Carrier Sense) and at the MAC sublayer, with the VCS (Virtual Carrier Sense). The PCS detects the channel busy analyzing frames from the wireless carrier, the VCS is a reservation mechanism based on the use of frames RTS / CTS (Request To Send / Clear To Send) between source host and destination host . His Operation is simple: a station wishing to transmit sends an RTS, stations in the BSS read this RTS and initialize their NAV based on the parameters contained in the RTS. The destination station responds after a SIFS, with a CTS, again the other stations update their NAV based on the STC. The source station, having received the STC is satisfied that the support is reserved for its transmission. This method is optional and rather used to send large frames that would drop the bandwidth performance if there are collisions. We can precisely calculate a threshold for whether to use the RTS / CTS (RTS Threshold). A second application very useful for the universe of radio links, is the detection of hidden stations. Two stations in a. BSS may even be out of radio range from each other while being on the same PA. If they want to transmit at the same time there will be a collision. By cons if booking before transmission function RTS / CTS stations hidden from the source station will still detect the CTS from the access point. It should be noted that collisions can occur between RTS frames, but because of their small size, the bandwidth is not too affected
Protocol CSMA / CA is used to manage collisions while overcoming the constraints due to transmission radio. Cons by the mechanisms put in place weigh down trade (Specific WLAN frames) which makes the performance less than a wired network.

PCF (centralized access mode):

Le mode PCF

The 802.11 standard provides an opportunity for channel reservation to use real-time services. This system allows to implement controlled access type reservation. This control is made only by an access point (AP) which will, according to a TDM, organize a sequential polling stations (polling). In this mode they are more stations trying to access the media but the access point that controls the media. It selects the station may transmit. Mode PCF is optional in the 802.11 standard, it is still used in alternation with the DCF mode is always the primary mode of access. Moreover, a station can use both modes at once. It is in the process of association that the access point and station indicate if they implement this function. The activation is done for the access point (AP), through some fields beacon type frames, response association and the associated station, at the request frames of association and request verification. The AP compiled a list of interrogation (polling list) associated stations operating in PCF mode. The access point can manage stations operating in both modes. The PCF mode is organized around a "super frame" divided into two parts: one where the PCF mode is activated, it is the CFP (Contention Free Period), which corresponds to a period of time without restraints and another where it switches to conventional DCF (distributed access) is the CP (Contention Period), which corresponds to a period of time with restraint. The AP generates a tag, called Beacon Frame to indicate the change in PCF mode, after an inter frame PIFS. This tag type is DTIM (Delivery Traffic Information Map) then the station coordinator (PA) will examine each site by type frames CF.Poll (cotent Free Polling). The station interviewed may then transmit its data at the end of the PA takes his hand and asks the next station of the polling list. The PCF mode is a quality of service (QoS) for 802.11 but this function is not implemented in most facilities. A standard dealing with quality full service will appear with the 802.11e standard. Standards Sub

802.11 MAC

802.11e (QoS)
The PCF access method has never been used because no manufacturer has not implemented in products. IEEE 802.11e group aims to improve the QoS (Quality of Service) in both modes, DCF and PCF.en adding two new access methods, EDCF (Extended DCF) and HCF (Hybrid Coordination Function).

EDCF: Today Fi frames have the same priority regardless of the station. EDCF defines eight traffic categories (TC: Traffic Categories) are eight priority levels. Each station mode EDCF supports eight queues for each traffic type.

Files attente EDCF couche MAC

These eight traffic categories have their own parameters timers (IFS Backoff). Moreover the values of timers are no longer fixed. It keeps the ISF mode DCF plus a new timer, the AIFS (Arbritration IFS). This is the AIFS DIFS but its value is variable depending on the priority level of the transmitting station (AIFS = DIFS)


Another novelty of the ECDF: the TxOP (Transmission Opportunities). This mechanism of transmission management defines the right of access to a station and the time allocated according to its priority level. If several stations different classes of traffic accessing the medium at the same time, the TxOP, which is a time predetermined (category of the highest traffic? shortest time), give access to the highest priority category. This timer is added to the end of the backoff timer

HCF: This second method, as the PCF, the access point uses to manage traffic by defining periods with and without restraint (CP and CFP), d hence the term hybrid.

802.11f: see "Managing mobility (roaming)"

This standard aims to make it compatible with 802.11a equipment infrastructure Hiperlan2. Technology adoption DFS (Dynamic Frequency Solution) and TPC (Transmit Power Control) to comply with European standards. This allows the automatic assignment of frequencies and in control of the transmission power to avoid interference between access points.


Convergence of European and American Standard 802.11a Hiperlan.

Tableau recapitulatif des normes 802.11

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Vintage Old School Satchel Backpacks



1. Two modes:

Infrastructure: Infrastructure mode
based on a special station called Access Point (AP). This mode allows wireless stations to connect to a network (typically Ethernet) via an access point. It allows a wireless station to connect to another station via their WLAN PA common. A station associated to another wireless AP can also interconnect. All stations within radio range of the PA form a BSS (Basic Service Set). Each BBS is identified by a BSSID (BSS Identifier) of 6 bytes that corresponds to the MAC address of the AP.
The operation of this mode is fully distributed, there is no hierarchically structuring element or cell for transmitting frames from one station to another. This mode allows Communication between two machines without using an infrastructure. Stations located in radio range form an IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set).

2. Interconnection:

can dial a network with multiple BSS. These are interconnected by a distribution system (DS) connected to their access points. This DS is typically an Ethernet network which connects the PA but it may correspond to the token ring, FDDI or other network 802.11. These different BSS interconnected via a DS form an ESS (Extended Service Set). An ESS is identified by an ESSID (abbreviated as SSID), which consists of a word 32 characters representing the name of the network.
can associate an IBSS in an ESS.



1. Presentation:

The protocol provides 802.11 MAC model as in the IEEE 802. These services are transport frame in offline mode (best effort), the algorithm security WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). In addition, the manner, services are provided.
Ad-Hoc mode: This mode uses the basic services:
- authentication of the resort (optional)
- data transport,
- security.

Infrastructure mode: in addition to the above basic services, other services are available:
- association-disassociation: a station that wants to connect to the network must work with a PA,
- Distribution: this service helps convey a frame to its final destination via the AP.
- Integration: Allows you to connect two PA through a DS (this service is generally provided by the local network).

2. Fragmentation reassembly:

Because of higher error rate in radio transmissions, it is essential to use small frames. Now works with the Ethernet protocol frames of 1518 bytes maximum, it was therefore agreed to use a system of cutting and reassembling the data. This helped to increase overall network performance, in addition, can use a wireless frequency hopping where the carrier is periodically interrupted for this frequency change (in our case, every 20 ms), so most package , the smaller the chance of having a low transmission is interrupted.

· FRAGMENTATION: The data frames or MSDU (MAC Service Data Unit) and the control frames and management or MMPDU (MAC Management Protocol Data Unit) are cut to a preset size (Fragmentation threshold). Then all fragments or MPDU (MAC Protocol Data Unit) are transmitted sequentially, the carrier is released once all the fragments are successfully transmitted or the source station fails to receive payment of a transmis.Car fragment in case of non receipt of an acknowledgment, the originating station resumes transmission from the last fragment unpaid. But the retransmission can not last indefinitely and is defined by a variable called MaxTransmitMSDULifeTime This fragmentation mechanism is reduced to a simple algorithm for sending and waiting for results, where the transmitting station is not allowed to transmit a new fragment as one of the following two events not occurred:

1. Receiving an ACK for that fragment.
2. Ruling that the fragment was retransmitted too often, and abandonment of the frame transmission.

· REASSEMBLING: The receiving station reassembles the fragments with two variables, the sequence number (identical to each fragment of the same frame) and the fragment number (incremented by one for each fragment) located in the field " Sequence Control ". Furthermore the field "More Fragment" found in the header of the fragment allows the station whether other fragments follow (a bit) or if it's the last (bit zero). As before, the resort destination MaxReceiveLifeTime sets a value upon receiving the first fragment. If all fragments of that frame could be sent before expiry of this value, these fragments are lost, as well as fragmentation.
It should be noted that fragmentation is only applicable to unicast data transfer, when multicast transmission or broadcast, the frames are not fragmented. Moreover, if we use the mechanism of WEP (Wired Equpement Privacy) is used, the fragments may be larger than Fragmentation Threshold the result of adding two additional fields (ICV and IV: we shall see below).

3. Dynamic flow management:

In radio transmission, conditions can change in a signal degradation caused by interference or removal of the station because the concept of flow is always related to physical distances. In order to access all stations in the network, the standard Wi-Fi uses a feature called Variable Rate Shifting. This function varies the flow of the station by the radio signal quality, generally there are four levels of speed: 11Mbit / s, 5.5Mbit / s 2Mbit / s and 1Mbit / s (these thresholds are not standardized and may differ according to manufacturers). This implies that in a BSS, a station with a low flow rate will bring down significantly the cell performance because the other stations with high flow rates should wait until the transmission of the remote station. This mechanism provides a better connectivity of a cell with a longer range at the expense of reduced network performance.

4. Association Management:

When a station is within the range of one or more access points (She joins a BSS or ESS), it chooses one of the PA based on signal strength, error rate or charge of réseau.Le association process involves several steps:

· Listen OF SUPPORT (in order to discover access points):
-Active listening: when the station enters an ESS or BSS, it sends a request frame (Probe Request Frame), containing its configuration (SSID it belongs, flow ...) on each channel and records the characteristics of access points (with the same SSID) who meet and chooses the access point offering the best compromise of speed and load. If no response is received it goes into passive listening. "Listen
passive station scans all channels and expects to receive a beacon frame (beacon frame) access point.

· AUTHENTICATION: Open System Authentication-
: default mode, there is no real authentication, since any station logging is authenticated.
-Shared Key Authentication: user authentication based on shared secret key between the station and the access point if the station uses a different key of the AP, there is a release by the latter. This mechanism can be activated with the security protocol WEP (discussed later).

· Association: The station sends an association request to AP (Associate Request frame), which responds with a response frame. In this response, the AP generates an identifier association or AID (Association ID), it is more commonly called SSID (Service Set ID) is actually the name of the network. Once accepted, the station sets its channel to the AP. Station periodically scans the channels to determine if another AP is not superior in performance.

· REASSOCIATION: the mechanism of reassociation is similar to the previous mechanism. The reassociation occur when the distance from the base station or when too much traffic on a point (depending on load balancing).

5. Mobility management (roaming):

Unlike mobile telephones, there is no change management cell (handover or handoff) for Wi-Fi devices during transmission. If a station moves, it looks best access point to associate with him, but all communication will be interrupted and not resumed by the new access point. Some manufacturers, such as Lucent, have mitigates this problem by developing a proprietary protocol called IAPP (Inter-Access Point Protocol), providing wireless mobility. IAPP is a protocol level 4 running on UDP (User Datagram Protocol), it allows you to connect access points between them through the distribution system (DS). IAPP should be implemented in the firmware of access points. These PAs establish a dialogue among themselves and exchange their configurations.

order to secure the handover, IAPP defines the use of RADIUS protocol. Before any handover, authentication is required. The station is an association to the new AP, the AP relays the authentication station to a RADIUS server, which verifies the information and authenticates the station with the new AP. Once authenticated, the new AP enters stage with former handover PA.
This protocol was adopted by the IEEE802.11 group to be standardized under the name 802.11f.


· The extension of the BSS (same SSID) form an ESS. The station may move from access point A to point C. Access

modele d'architecture d'un reseau wifi

Boiling point / repeater mode access: allows to extend the coverage area of the BSS, share the total bandwidth throughout the area.

architecture wifi en mode repeteur

· Share Load: three channels covering the same area and thus increase the flow. The station determines the best access point along the signal and the load of the PA.

architecture wifi en repartition de charge

· Interconnection remote private networks: here the Wi-Fi standard used to interconnect two buildings.

interconnexion de reseau wifi à distance

Wednesday, January 7, 2004

How To Ask For Contributions To Help A Family


The data packets from the network layer, are encapsulated by a level 2 MAC header, forming an MPDU (MAC Protocol Data Unit). The MPDU is then encapsulated in a second frame to level 1 (physical) to allow transmission media. This encapsulation is to add a preamble and a header to the MPDU, this set forms a PLCP-PDU. The preamble and the header following the different physical layer used. We will see different frames of the physical layer (PLCP-PDU), then those of the data link level (MPDU).


The preamble allows the detection of start of frame, the frame synchronization, it allows the Channel to the issuance or CCA (Clear Channel Assesment).
The header contains various information, which varies depending on the physical interface used.

1. FRAME FHSS (802.11 FHSS):

la trame FHSS du wifi

preamble (preamble) into two parts:

-80 synchronization bits (alternating between 0 and 1) to select the best access point and to sync (AP and STA).

-SFD (Start Frame Delimiter) 16-bit (0000 1100 1011 1101): indicates the beginning of the frame.

Header (header) into three parts:

-PLW (PLCP-PDU Length Word) 12-bit: Indicates the length (in bytes) of the frame (PLCP-PDU), this allows the physical layer to determine the end of the frame.

-PSF (PLCP Signaling Field) 4 bits: indicates the rate used over the radio interface. (1 or 2 Mbps) for data transmission (MPDU).

-HEC (Header Error Check) is a 16-bit CRC to detect errors in fields in the header (PLW and PSF).

Note: the preamble and header are always transmitted at 1 Mbps

2. FRAME DSSS (802.11 DSSS, 802.11b):

la trame DSSS du wifi

Preamble: FSSS identical to the frame, if not longer long synchronization worth 0xF3A0 (1111 0011 1010 0000) for the SFD.

header into four parts:

Signal-to 8-bit: indicates the selected speed for the transmission of data (MPDU):
0x0A for 802.11 mode BPSK (1Mbps)
0x14 for 802.11 mode QPSK (2Mbit / s)
0x37 for 802.11b mode QPSK (5.5 Mbps) for 802.11b
0x6E mode QPSK (11Mbps)

Service 8 bits: reserved for future use
(value 0x00? IEEE802.11)

-Length 16-bit Indicates the length (in bytes) of the frame to follow (MPDU), this allows the physical layer to determine the end of the frame.

-HEC (Header Error Check) is a 16-bit CRC to detect errors in fields in the header (Signal, Service and Length).

Note: the preamble and header are always transmitted at 1 Mbps
addition to the 802.11b standard there is a second type of encapsulation where the preamble is shorter (instead of 72bits 144bits):

trame DSSS preambule court

3. FRAME OFDM (802.11a, 802.11g):

La trame OFDM du WIFI

preamble achieved through a sequence it twelve symbols for the detection of the signal by the receiver and the beginning of the frame.

header in six fields:

-RATE: indicates the transmission rate
-1 Reserved bit always 0
-Length: indicates the number of bytes in the frame. -1
parity bit of the three previous fields
-Tail (in-tail): fields reserved, always 0
- Service: "field, always 0


-Tail:" field, always 0
-Pad: Padding field (filling) of 6-bit minimum to cash a structure in bytes.


There are three kinds of frames: data frames, the frames used to control access to the support (RTS, CTS, ACK ...) and the management frames used for the association to an access point or for synchronization and authentication. The representation of the frame is a general representation and its fields change depending on the function thereof. The maximum size of a frame is 2347 bytes.


HEADER (7 fields of 30 bytes): This is the most complex because it incorporates many features.

l'entete MAC du wifi

• Control frame (11 sub-fields of 2 bytes):

Controle de la trame

-protocol version: always 0 for the current version (2 bits)

-Type and sub type: is the 3 kinds of frames and their functions (2 +4 bits)

-To DS and From DS: DS = Distribution Service (access point). To
DS (1 bit) the frame is addressed to the access point that has to do follow. From
DS (1 bit) the frame comes from the access point.

-More Fragments: 1 if the data is fragmented, 0 if they are not fragmented or if last fragment (1 bit).

-Retry: to 1 if a retransmission (1 bit).

-Power Management: 1 if the station is in power saving mode, 0 if it is active (1 bit). From the AP, the frames are still in active mode.

-More Data: This bit is also used for energy management. It is used by the AP to indicate that other frames are stored for this station. The station may then decide to use this information to ask the other frames or to switch to active mode (1 bit).

-WEP: This bit indicates that the frame body is encrypted according to the WEP algorithm.

-Order: if 1 indicates that the frame is sent using a strictly ordered service class. Do not allow the station to send multicast frames.

· Duration / ID (2 bytes):

This field has two meanings, depending on the type of frame:
- for frames polling mode power saving is the station's ID or AID (Association IDentity)
- in other frames, the value of time used for calculating the NAV.

· Fields addresses (4 x 6 bytes):

The MAC address of 48 bits is divided into three parts-
a group of 2 bits at the beginning of address: the first indicates if the address is individual ( bit a1) or group (bit 0), the second indicates whether the address is local (bit 1) or Universal (bit 0). If the address is local, the 46 bits are defined locally.
-a group of 22-bit number constructor defined by the IEEE-
a group of 24-bit serial number defined by the manufacturer

Group addresses:
-broadcast address: defines the set of stations network. (the 48 bits are to 1)
-multicast address: defines a group of stations in finite number.

Address Types:
802.11 The addressing structure is richer than for a wired network. Because if you want to access a station on the same network (BSS) is through the access point thus indicating its MAC address to relay the packet. Similarly to access a station of another network (ESS), middle two addresses can be specified. These address fields are defined in accordance with the directions of the fields To DS and From DS.
We'll see four types of address:

-BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier):
infrastructure mode -> MAC @ PA
In Ad-Hoc -> @ local BSSID MAC (generated in the creation of the IBSS).

-DA (Destination Address), address, individual or group identifies (s) Recipient (s).

-SA (Source Address): Address individual that transmitted the frame.

-RA (Receveir Address): destination BSSID (access point receiver).

-TA (Transmitter Address): Source BSSID (access point transmitter).

* Wireless Distribution Service (liaison between PA) addressing

The Ad-Hoc: transmission in an IBSS, sends its data to ST1 ST2.

mode width=293 height=56 ad-hoc

Step 0: @ 1: ST1, @ 2: ST2, @ 3: BSSID of the IBSS.

Infrastructure mode:
- Case 1: transmission in the same BSS sends ST1 its data to ST2 (via PA1).

mode infrastructure

Step 1: ST1 sends the frame to PA1 ST2 final destination.
To DS: 1, @ 1: PA1 (dest) @ 2: ST1 (sce), @ 3: ST2 (final dest).

Step 2: send the frame to PA1 ST2. From
DS 1, @ 1: ST2 (dest), @ 2: PA1, @ 3: ST1 (original scene).

- 2em Case: transmission in the same ESS sends ST1 ST3 to its data (via PA1 and PA2).

mode infrastructure wifi

Unlike the previous example, step 3 follows in step 1.
Step 3: send the frame to PA1 PA2
To DS and From DS are 1, @ 1: PA2 (dest), @ 2: PA1 (sce), @ 3: ST3, @ 4: ST1.
• Control sequence (2 bytes):
-sequence number (12 bits): number assigned to each frame.
-fragment number ('bits): number assigned to each fragment, if the frame is fragmented.

· Body of the frame (data) (0-2312 bytes): The size can be greater than 1500 bytes because of WEP. There are no data for control frames and management.

· FCS (Frame Check Sequence) (4 bytes): 32 bit CRC for integrity checking of the frame.


Control frames can access support and have the function to send commands and supervision information to network elements. In the frame control part, the fields of "ToDS" to "order" are 0.

· Screens main
RTS (Request To Send) is used to claim the right to transmit a data frame

trame RTS wifi

-RA is the address of the recipient receiving the next data frame or management.
-TA is the address of the station transmitting the RTS frame.

CTS (Clear To Send) is the reservation channel to transmit a data frame

trame CTS wifi

- RA is the address of the originating station (field TA) of the RTS frame.

ACK allows acknowledgment of data frames

format de trame ACK

RA is the address of the originating station, which comes from the address field 2 of the data frame or previous management.


There are four categories of management frames: Frames
· related to the functions of association-disassociation frames
· interrogation radio neighboring
· Frames related to the functions of authentication
Frames · tags used by the access point for disseminating information in the BSS management power saving mode through the TIM and DTIM beacons.

tableau des valeurs de la trame de gestion
TABLE VALUES (Types and Sub Types)